Upfist for the Piano Man ref.

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i would so vote for the congressman who gave me a honey baked ham.

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This is good news for John McCain.

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Sheesh, has the poverty situation in Texas gotten so dire that nowadays it only takes pennies to buy votes? Although, I suppose back in Hall's day a penny bought a lot more candy, like Horehound drops and those wretched Bit-O-Honey's one can still sometimes see in those olde time'y country stores.

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Yo congressman is so old his social security number is 1.

Yo congressman is so old, he studied ancient Rome in current events.

Yo congressman is so old, his memories are in black and white.

Yo congressman is so old, his birth certificate expired.

Yo congressman is so old, he farts dust.

Yo congressman is so old, the editor of his high school yearbook was Guttenberg.

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I thought everyone died at The Alamo.

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Yo Congressman is so old, he got redistricted because of continental drift.

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Perfect. A Teabagger in Louie Gohmert's district. This is why I only visit East Texas, and only for very short period of time.

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Yo congressman is so old, he represented New Amsterdam

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On the bright side, David Dewhurst, of the Misogynist Jerkwad Dewhursts, also lost to some Teabagging whackjob, I guess for not hating women or loving guns enough, maybe both.

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Yo congressman so old, he was drafted for the siege of Nineveh.

No, the first one.

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Although you might be forced to sell some assets, possibly a basketball team.

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