Does the word "Crusade" ever creep into his screed, or is he smart enough to avoid using it (which would make him smarter than G.W. Bush)?
" know little and practice nothing of Christianity."
Keep jawing, fuckface and pretty soon people are going to get tired of your schtick and decide that they want to know little and better still, nothing of Christianity.
You and your dumbass followers are going to deal the death blow to Christianity...not some dudes who love each other deeply and want their son to learn the joys of outdoor life.
A pagan is everyone who doesn't follow the narrow, bigoted path outlined by Mr. Lane. So that pretty much makes everyone a pagan except him and maybe his wife, but only when she cleaves unto him to make babies.
That's what the intertubes are for.
Given the choice of becoming a born-again christian or having sex with a syphilitic warthog, I'd take the warthog. But thanks for asking.
It's their Darwinian duty to cull out the weak, the sick, and the stupid.
Close. It's actually a place of arson: Issa + char.
Does the word "Crusade" ever creep into his screed, or is he smart enough to avoid using it (which would make him smarter than G.W. Bush)?
Not next, but definitely the final item on Lane's end times to-do list.
" know little and practice nothing of Christianity."
Keep jawing, fuckface and pretty soon people are going to get tired of your schtick and decide that they want to know little and better still, nothing of Christianity.
You and your dumbass followers are going to deal the death blow to Christianity...not some dudes who love each other deeply and want their son to learn the joys of outdoor life.
Fuck you.
A pagan is everyone who doesn't follow the narrow, bigoted path outlined by Mr. Lane. So that pretty much makes everyone a pagan except him and maybe his wife, but only when she cleaves unto him to make babies.
Maybe not...but Imbabelic could be.
"restore America to her Judeo-Christian heritage" Hmmm.... and what about its heritage before the Europeans arrived?
I'm pretty sure that's the other David Lane, the late white supremacist.
yeah, that'll work really well here.
i was raised a christian, i respect christian teachings but i've always had an unhealthy fondness for rome.
does this make me a bad person?
10 feet per gallon (if I got the calculation right).
SERIOUSLY? They bill the black guy as "A Minority View"? Because obviously that's where his value as a commenter lies.
Sounds more like one of those places liberated by Daenerys Targaryen.