FALSE - tax cuts DO NOT generate demand. You can drop tax rates to ZERO, but if people don't have money in their pockets to spend, guess what, you are out of business.

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When we last gave business a gigantic tax cut, they did some hiring! Course, it was mostly over seas for about 17 cents a day ^.^ WAS AWESOME. The amount of jerbs they created in China alone would knock your socks off. IDK if they pocketed the difference in what they'd have to pay a murrican though, I mean, business loves their employees so much, it probably went right into climate change anti-research or some Super Freedom Loving(tm) PAC ..for the people.

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Probably. I'm a Baltimoron myself. I've noticed that most white conservatives freeze up at the city line. Both stadiums are built so the suburbanites can come in on an interstate highway and get into the parking lot with minimum exposure to city-folk. From there they can run, duck & cover and barrel roll their way into the safety of the stadium

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Gosh! Is there anything modern conservatism CAN'T fix?

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Outside of, you know, all the shit they broke......

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"These buffoons on the Right don't seem to grasp the concept of DEMAND!"Yes they do. Their big-dollar donors DEMAND tax cuts, and they deliver. It's democracy capitalism in action!

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I'm going to go ahead and say this now, I'm betting Rand will run as a third candidate. There's no way he'll win the nom from the RNC, but he's just dumb enough to keep going as an Independent or Libertarian or Tea candidate all the way to election day. I'm betting both parties have at some point, had to sit down with a fringe candidate or two and slowly and in small words, explain to them why continuing to run when they didn't win the party nom is bad. We saw it in 1992, when Ross Perot did nothing but steal votes that would have gone to George H. W. Bush. But Rand is too stubborn to listen to the RNC on this point. I'm pretty sure all he would need is money, and if I understand correctly, that isn't a problem. Either way, the guy is a gift to the Democratic party, and he doesn't even know that he's already sitting under the Christmas tree.

The only other possible outcome to get him out of the way is to keep him in the way as running mate for whoever wins the nomination. He very well might take the bait, but it'd be a tough sell, even as VP for independent voters.

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Kansas is a stupid place filled with stupid sheep. Engaged voters in Kansas are still voting to stop the culture wars of the 60's. (A war that was lost long ago.)

The rest of Kansas lives in ignorance and ignores the entire process. The disengaged voters spout the same "free market" and "personal responsibility" dogma that you hear from any libertarian/GOP douche.

It's an entire state of brainwashed ass hattery. Half of them are hoping Jesus will smite the blacks and gays; the other half is sure their hard work will be rewarded with millions.

Don't click your ruby slippers; get some different shoes and stay away from Middle America.

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You were thiiiissss close, Rand.....

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Don't forget the awesome jobs created in the Cayman Islands.

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Had a nice cop once explain that very concept to me.

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I woulda thought he was a docksider kinda guy.

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Forgetting one's pants?

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I'm sure Apple will start using its $178 billion in cash reserves to go on a wild hiring spree aaaaany day now.

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Obviously, L'il Rand is getting in trouble with the law because corporate taxes are too high. Only a significant cut in the capital gains tax will keep him from be such a drunken miscreant.

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Not too bad in bottles.

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