Unfortunately, he is very popular here. His racist views and misogynistic fetus-adoration are beloved of the idiot conservatives in this stupid state. His popularity here actually went up after one of his supporters knocked a woman down and stomped on her head.

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Weasels are dead cute, as long as they're too small to chew off your nose.

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1. In theory, libertarianism is largely indefensible (to me), because there is no detailed exposition of it that makes sense. Sorry. Bits of it are attractive, but the overall concept cannot gel.

2. In practice, most "Libertarians" are Republicans who do not want to admit they are.

3. Randy Paul is fairly typical of the intellectual disconnection that pervades libertarianism. We pay attention to him only because he is -- God help us-- a US Senator.

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Is broken asshole right twice a day?

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That is fucking poetry.

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Libertarians will do this from time to time. The important thing to remember is he doesn't really mean it.

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Sorry, no, he's a jackhole who happened to emit a statement that wasn't obnoxious.

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"Fresh perspectives" aren't needed when you're a Libertardian -- you already know everything.

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Given that teabaggers are the creation of the Koch brothers, erstwhile Libertardians themselves, the Paul clan is in a bit of a pickle here . . . they can promise lower taxes and less danged gub'mint innerference to the base, but all that libertarian talk about giving fair opportunity to everyone, including melanin-Americans, gays, and even muslins, really doesn't fly with the wingnuts.

David Koch ran for office as a Libertardian . . .it didn't take him long to figure out that that approach was a waste of time and money. So they Astroturfed the Tea Party into existence, and the rest is depressing history.

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<i>Most police officers are good cops and good people. It is an unquestionably difficult job, especially in the current circumstances. There is a systemic problem with today’s law enforcement. Not surprisingly, big government has been at the heart of the problem.</i>

Don't worry, the five minute rule still applies. It's not the fault of the local, roid rage, Napoleonic wannabes for creating mini Jim Crow Ghettos, it's good old Government Overreach. Surely if we completely deregulate every.single.thing.ever that will solve all the Blah's problems and they will all be rolling in giant piles of Solomon's Gold and Bitcoins (but NIMBY).

STFU and go comb out that weasel on your head, Paul.

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puh-leeze. he has no intention on getting elected. he's just carrying on the family grifting business of running for Preznit. He can't run and keep his Senate seat. The end. Not gonna happen. <a href="http://www.nationaljournal...." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/the-obscu...">http://www.nationaljournal....

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<i>the Pauls decided to do a deal with the devil a few years ago</i>

Daddy Paul has been a shitstain social conservative creep for a bit longer than a few years who thinks the 14th amendment and the Voting Rights Act wasn't necessary 'cause States Rights! He was sucking up to the John Birch wing of the GOP for.pretty.much.ever. Baby Doc Paul is just running his playbook. The minute he grifts a few $5 donations from one set of rubes, he will reverse course and grab $5 more from the other side. Sadly, he will be 'forced' to drop his dream of being President, because of government overreach and will have to withdraw just minutes after he has cleaned out some more piggy banks and minutes before the official filing deadline. So sad. If only we were as pure as him and his daddy, we wouldn't have failed him. :-(

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+100. yes!

And gee, I wonder what underlying cultural phenomenon was at the root of all those communities thinking they needed to go out and arm themselves to the teeth? Who thought sending in the St. Louis riot squad was a good idea?

It's obvious Sheeple! it was so the UN wouldn't come in and steal all the guns in MO and send the last of the real American's in Ferguson off to the Obummer FEMA camps!

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Rand is veering dangerously far from Constitutional conservatism. This is not the philosophy of the Founding and Slaveholding Fathers.

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A clock running backwards is right 4 times a day!

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Although, when it costs $300,000 for a "normal" SWAT BearCat but they can get a 55,000lb MRAP for free, <em>as long as they use it within a year whether or not it's actually needed</em>, that does put a powerful thumb on the scales on the side of "even more gratuitous militarization".

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