I like to raise questions too!

Using the Taitz standard, what is the proof that Ronald Reagan was born in the United States?

Did George Bush fail to stop 9/11 under orders from his imam?

Who is Glen Beck's boyfriend?

Just askin'...

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If Obama is such a great hypnotist, why doesn't Christine O'Donnell want to have his baby? (or does she?)

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Wonkette needs a weekly feature devoted to debunking right wing nut science. How about it Ken?

You could call it When Pigs Fly. Do You Smell Something Funny? 2+2=5 When Science Attacks! and so on.

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Part of me wants these Tea Party loons to win this round, just so they'll feel validated and go even further into loony land in 2 years. Then again, losing might also send them further out into the fringe of sanity (see 2008), so either way, its comedy gold.

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<a href="http://r33b.net/" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://r33b.net/">http://r33b.net/</a>

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I knew a hypnotist once. He was a lovely man even though he had a glass eye and a crystal ball.

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Stolen from Benny Hill of all places...

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<i>Schlafly also contends in the article that the use of asbestos might have prevented the tragedies involving the Challenger and Columbia space shuttles.</i>

Brought to you by the friendly folks at the Asbestos Board. "Asbestos. It does a body good."

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"fire retardation", "fire retardation", "conservapedia"; there's a joke in there somewhere but I'm too tired to find it...

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you know what else? Trucknutz are round like an O and strangely mesmerizing.

that is all.


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