well, you know, maybe his wife liked the house…

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I would plant mushrooms. That's all good compost.

Also, this guy should get tazed by the cops. It is only fair...not rand, despite his incorrigible politics.

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Or...you should be composting. But you know what. I guess composting is bad because the neighbor doesn't like how it looks.

No ugly allowed. LOL

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I don't know a farmer that would act like this. Everyone knows compost is good

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i am very happy these rich shitheads are having problems with their rich shithead neighbors. i am all about rich shithead neighbor aggression as I am poor and my neighbors are not rich shitheads.

no one has time to pile up fucking sticks.

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No spot of burnt earth between the houses, I see. Guess Google's flyover pic predates the big rumpus.

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I see that you are either a fucking asshole or a beaver. Which is it?

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“She smiled, now she’s looking away and giggling to he friends. Dude, she wants to play hide the salami with me”

“Dude. Your fly is open and there’s honeydew on the lily”

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Beg to differ

Wonkette non-commenters have amassed the largest Strategic Pun Reserves in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way

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Check out “Hurricane Neddy” it gave the Bard’s “Tempest “ a run for the $

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Agreed that both parties are assholes here. But what I find fascinating is...WHERE THE FUCK WAS ALL THIS GARDEN DEBRIS COMING FROM???

A pile five feet high and ten feet long?? MULTIPLE TIMES?? That's not suburban block garden pruning, that's serious land-clearing quantities.

Had Rand Paul opened up a dumping centre for landscaping and lawnmowing companies? Was he going about in the dead of night, stealng other people's hedge clippings, for the express purpose of pissing off his neighbor? Was he attempting to build an ancient Celtic barrow and not doing it very well? Inquiring minds want to know!!

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but dam...

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You're on fire!

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Piss-testable Detestables

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Why not both

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You’d think an M.D. would have had a semester of Chemistry at least

I had 3 years, I-Chem, O-Chem, and B-Chem, plus a year of Physics, and wound up breaking up riots at the Enlisted Club and counseling teenage married couples in housing

Weird, huh?

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