If Rand says it's okay to shotgun drones, I'll be down at the mall with a box of shells.

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<i>“But if they fly over my house, they better beware because I’ve got a shotgun,”</i>

The Jetsons -- accurate in so many other ways -- didn't see this coming.

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Pro tip for Rand Paul: The dangerous drones are out of shotgun range. You need a <a href="http:\/\/www.dailytech.com\/Navy Develops New AntiUAV Lasers for Humvees\/article30233.htm" target="_blank">"laser"</a>.

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"Get offa my PROPERTY!" *BLAM*

"Hey, my Amazon order!"

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We'll all remember where we where when CNN's Historic Snap Chat took place. It was almost like Rand Paul was a Historic Hologram driving a Historic Blizzardmobile in a black hole.

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Bagpipes have drones, does Rand think shooting a piper would be acceptable?

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Thing is, these aren't Big Gummint drones, these are private or business drones. The constitution doesn't say dick about them, just as there's nothing in there about Big Business data-mining and selling your information.

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I thought Rand Paul filibustering for 13 hours was the textbook example of "droning".

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Off topic but a story I love: Before WWII David Niven was invited to a country hunt at some wealthy minor royal's estate. This was still when they had messenger pigeons. His host had shot one of those pigeons rather than the expected grouse and all the guests had gathered around it, not saying anything. Niven walks up and asks "Are there any letters for me?". He said he was never invited back.

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There is no such thing as an ophthalmologist.

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