So, here is Rand Paul's Teatacular response to the State of the Union address which we did not actually manage to livebloog yesterday because we were streaming the wrong thing on CSPAN or something, we don't really know.
I'd like to announce what I call the 10-10-220 Plan: Everyone gives me a ten, a ten, and two twenties. I'll go spend it on stuff I want, like gay porn. Problem solved!
I remember being completely full of myself as a teenager too. Fortunately, I grew out of it, unlike Rand. The irony is that even as a snotty teen I was far smarter than he'll ever be...
I love how 500 billion is chump change, but a couple million destroying PBS is "every penny counts" or the 500 million makes them tear their hair out and scream SOLYNDRA!!1!
You know whose math skills are worse than Rand Paul&#039;s? <a href="http:\/\/\/blogs\/right-turn\/wp\/2013\/02\/13\/rand-paul-should-get-real\/" target="_blank">Jennifer Rubin</a>, who had this to say about Rand Paul&#039;s speech:
<i>Our debt is more than $16 trillion; the entire 2012 Pentagon budget is $553 billion, less than 19 percent of our federal budget. And foreign aid? That was about a tenth the size of defense spending. You could eliminate them both and hardly make a dent in the debt. So let&rsquo;s hope his budget is devoid of gimmicks and addresses the real driver of the debt, entitlement spending.</i>
So now $553 billion is chump change because our total debt is $16 trillion, so why bother? Let&#039;s cut Social Security (22% of the budget and pays for itself), Medicare and Medicaid (23%), instead because FUCK YOU THAT&#039;S WHY. And when was paying off the debt added to the conservative deficit reduction goal? <b>So now you can&#039;t cut spending unless its also big enough to pay off the debt (a mathematically impossible feat in one budget year)?</b> Or are you just changing the goals to protect something you don&#039;t want cut and hoping no one notices?
I&#039;d like to announce what I call the 10-10-220 Plan: Everyone gives me a ten, a ten, and two twenties. I&#039;ll go spend it on stuff I want, like gay porn. Problem solved!
And after 101 years, government spending would be <i>negative!!!</i> (That&#039;s right, I got my degree from Glenn Beck University.)
pretending to be coherent
I remember being completely full of myself as a teenager too. Fortunately, I grew out of it, unlike Rand. The irony is that even as a snotty teen I was far smarter than he&#039;ll ever be...
if it&#039;s too big to fit on a bumper sticker, it&#039;s too complex to consider
I love how 500 billion is chump change, but a couple million destroying PBS is &quot;every penny counts&quot; or the 500 million makes them tear their hair out and scream SOLYNDRA!!1!
it&#039;s more of that republican math...
I think he actually believes what he&rsquo;s saying&hellip; just like a used car salesman.
PT Barnum had it right
all I hear is &quot;DERP&quot;
<i>Rand Paul Has Smartest Economic Idea Since 9-9-9</i>
The Barney Fife of governmentin&#039; work
You know whose math skills are worse than Rand Paul&#039;s? <a href="http:\/\/\/blogs\/right-turn\/wp\/2013\/02\/13\/rand-paul-should-get-real\/" target="_blank">Jennifer Rubin</a>, who had this to say about Rand Paul&#039;s speech:
<i>Our debt is more than $16 trillion; the entire 2012 Pentagon budget is $553 billion, less than 19 percent of our federal budget. And foreign aid? That was about a tenth the size of defense spending. You could eliminate them both and hardly make a dent in the debt. So let&rsquo;s hope his budget is devoid of gimmicks and addresses the real driver of the debt, entitlement spending.</i>
So now $553 billion is chump change because our total debt is $16 trillion, so why bother? Let&#039;s cut Social Security (22% of the budget and pays for itself), Medicare and Medicaid (23%), instead because FUCK YOU THAT&#039;S WHY. And when was paying off the debt added to the conservative deficit reduction goal? <b>So now you can&#039;t cut spending unless its also big enough to pay off the debt (a mathematically impossible feat in one budget year)?</b> Or are you just changing the goals to protect something you don&#039;t want cut and hoping no one notices?
Dood can&#039;t even tie a Windsor Knot in his tie to form that balanced triangle, why the fuck would I listen to him about our economy?
Plus, when he opens his mouth, all I hear is &quot;I&#039;ve got mine, fuck you.&quot;
Aqua Buddha math skills
or Patty