True that. They may never have to put them away.

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I cant wait for me some Obammycare so I can get me some of them boner pills what like the farmer from Columbia (the cunttree not the IV learnin place what Teddy Cruz did not went to) and my matremoaney lady friend can get her some of the slut pills and we can go at it like farmey rabbits,which remindered me of Rand fer some reason everytime I look at him that head piece makes me think of a rabbit.

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OK with me if they just have to do the "prep".

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HA! i used to know this. i forgot.

thanks for another reminder.

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In a bad Johnny Carson voice: "I did not know that." Now that you say it makes. It also shows how bad things have gotten if a plan that makes insurance companies(who are about as trust worthy as bankers/Wall St.) very rich was just a ploy then, is "liberal" and "socailist" now.

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I can't wait for the insurance companies to continue their greedy games like refusing to pay for contracted benefits, changing rules to qualify for certain type of care etc. Because that will be Obama's fault for not regulating them,which if he did would insult the fair free market and BENGHAZI!!!! I fucking hate these guys. All of them Katie, all of them. "rabble , frabble ,snarfle, barfle" .... angry old person muttering fading into the distance.

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And if the 'Pubes love repealing Obamacare so much, <i>they</i> should use the health insurance system the rest of us live (lived?) under. Every now and then some members of Congress randomly will be dropped from their employer (us!) health plan. The dropped Congress creatures (and their families) will escape the yoke of socialism and enjoy the kind of health coverage the free market delivers. They will truly be the lucky ones.

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Repubicans want to enact a version that has all the popular Obamacare features except the unpopular mandate. They should look at what happened in New York over the past 20 years with that approach: <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.c..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2...">http://www.washingtonpost.c...

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Although it's clear that teabaggers think they know a lot of legal terms, they have yet to really use one properly

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What are these guys going to do when they leave (hopefully are voted out of) office? Waving your dick around in the midst of the general public* isn't legal.

*If you are in office it's Congressional privilege.

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I am gonna start calling tax cuts something Obama related, like "Obama stimulus," and see if they'd against that too...wait, nevermind.

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