He is straight-up lying about it. Now he denies that he ever said that.

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My ancestry goes back to a cynodont in the Late Permian period. Granted, there are parts of the family tree that are not well-documented yet. At some point during that dark period there must have been a liaison involving one of my forebears and a sauropsid, because duh. (See avi.) You wouldn't believe the shit I got for that back in middle school.

It's hard out there for a has-been deity.

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Millennial? Rand Paul was born in 1963, which makes him either a late Boomer or an early Gen Xer, depending on your generational parameters.

(Millennials are all currently between the ages of 10 and 30.)

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Christ, what an asshole.

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"Anybody who quotes what I said is lying." Seems to be a recurring theme among Republican politicians.

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And being totally ignored by the media.

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Sorry, the whole "prick us, do we not bleed?" bit doesn't work when the people you are trying to convince have poured an ocean of it into the streets.

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the C-Sections are even worse

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The War on Sanity marches on....

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I give it a 9.8 but you should have included the part where he goes to his doctor to get his scrip for boner pills and doesn't have to get a ultrasound wand shoved up his ass.

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Reparations for Rand! Give until you giggle.

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The pharmacy story Paultards love to tell is exactly what is wrong with their goofy ideology.

In their minds: Racist pharmacist refuses to sell vitally needed medicine to the 2 or 3 black families in town- their solution? The invisible hand of the free market will will fix all and another pharmacy will open to supply these needed drugs. Therefore, no need for any anti-discrimination laws

In real life: Nobody will do shit about the situation because the rest of the town will happily continue to do business with the racist pill pusher. No businessman will invest a penny to build a pharmacy to capture the .0001% of business, especially knowing he's risking having his business vandalized or torched. The rest of the town won't do business with the n*gger lover. Those 2 or 3 black families will end up having to STFU and suck it, or move. But at least the Paultard can congratulate himself on a solution that doesn't involve the "oppression of an overbearing government forcing its view on the free people™"

and they wonder why the rest of us laugh at them...

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My guess is that his illegal drug stance is a lot like his father's

get the Fed out of the drug law bidness, but if the state government throws you in jail for 20 years for smoking a joint- too fucking bad!

I've never understood why so many potheads have fallen for that bait and switch bullshit

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<i>Free at last! Free at last!

Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!* </i>

*YMMV, results not guaranteed

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