Worst presidential campaign ever.

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Not the voters, apparently.

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It's the perfect grift.

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Which mother-in-law?

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Is that Jane Wyman? No wonder she dumped Reagan.

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And she's been fucking Jeebus ever since.

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how about a Venn diagram?

here's one . . . █

oops . . . too many overlapping circles . . . no room for the labels even.

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very progressive guy, that Jeebus . . . wrote everything down in Aramaic English.

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you forgot- give to the corporation person everything- give to the tax man nothing- hate anyone with more melanin than you- fuck the poor

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It's the First Lady, Nancy "Woo Woo" Reagan, before she was superannuated.

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Wow. Is there a shot with her mouth open?

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everybody should be able to delegate how much of their taxes goes to any government department or independent agency . . . NASA, NOAA, EPA, FEC, NLRB, NTSB, CFPB and others would have so much money that they could do their jobs right . . . DOD would be reduced to reasonable size while CIA, NSA and DHS would have to hold bake sales.

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what? . . .another Hollywood Liberal Elite™?

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who cares? . . . it's proud!

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The breakdown of the family structure Exhibit A: Kim Davis.

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He tells them "Vote for me, and I'll cut taxes so you'll be free to go out and head multi-billion dollar companies. No, don't thank me, I'm just doing my job . . ."

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