He totally got vaccinated.

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Another popular definition of "libertarian:" A Republican who wants to smoke pot."

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436 comments. I haven't read them. I may be duplicating someone else's post.

Having a COVID infection is like getting the first dose of a two-dose vaccine. Getting the booster later runs antibody levels WAY up. "Quantity has a quality all its own", and high levels of imperfect antibodies will stop a variant.

And as long as he's breathing in public, it's no more a "personal decision" than whether he drives on the right or the left side of the road.

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Can I point to good libertarians without having my head handed to me?

I've read quite a few, from the more intellectual side of the movement (civil rights lawyers not Randites), who say that endangering others is exactly what it's OK to have laws about. Something about rights to swing your arm ending when someone's nose is in reach. They're pro-vax.

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Same here, plus it means I'm protecting a medically compromised friend and a seriously high risk relative, plus it means I won't die of COVID, plus it means I can go to cuddle parties again.

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If you go read John Stuart Mill, he was a radical feminist for his day and advocated reforms with wide benefits. Anyone can call themselves "libertarian" but they're pretty far from their source.

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I was tempted to send his office the scientific papers about just how valuable vaccination after infection is, but I don't think ignorance is the problem.

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Maybe ten million. The Economist looked up unexpected death rates around the world and did some math, and that's what they came up with.

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I am sad and angry on your behalf.

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After all, the virus needs to keep the immune response down in order to keep spreading. The vaccines are meticulously and brilliantly engineered to maximize it. I've seen numbers as high as a four-fold increase in antibody levels after a vaccine compared to an infection.

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I'm not reading all the way down, but as SER says, fuck this guy.

It's become the most all-purpose response since "What Digby Sez".

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Since every other word out of his piehole is a lie, why should we think any different of this one?

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I hate to admit it, but there are some good ones out there. For instance, Radley Balko at reason.com has been doing stellar work on the militarization of the American police forces.

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Spector bought his.

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You are shitting me. He paid retail for THAT?!?

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My estimate is (little "c") conservative. With all the fuckery of DeathSantis, Bolsanaro, Modi and the like, doubling the official count is not out of line. I didn't see The Economist's reporting, but I am not surprised.

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