Cats are excellent emotional support animals. That one is giving her a "love bite" to staunch the bleeding

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I have it on authority that my bush is quite eloquent/sn

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and grandson(RMoney tape)

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Ménage a trois Republican style. They're all bottoms, backbencher bottoms to be more precise.Lets face it, in reality, Liz War Balls Cheney would rip Ryand's hairdo off and shit in his codpiece before ramming him with her antler horn. I mean, Ryand's neighbor kicked his ass over raking leaves ffs.

Knowing Ryand and his famous flip flops and capitulations, by Feb 2021, he'll be team Liz and will likely be kissing Dick too. Wait, what?

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IKR? I was tempted to send him a thank you card.

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Jackalopes are weirder. http://lessbeatenpaths.com/...

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And the horn of a Rhinoceros isn't really a horn!

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i can't read this shit without wondering WTF is wrong with kentucky?

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Crybabies. Ta, Stepen.

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of course she's pushing for war.that sweet haliburton stock ain't gonna rise on its own!

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wait, 'wyoming values'?like 6 people live there.so those vales must change depending on what's on the teevee at any given moment.[they do have the teevee there, right?]

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I'll take a stab at it, without Googling.

Horns are permanent and only have one point each (e.g., bull horns), antlers get shed every year and are made up of multiple prongs (e.g., deer antlers). I'm sure there are other differences, but there's my guess.

How did this liberal (who doesn't give a shit about horns and antlers) do?

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Anything that can make these people attack each other instead of the rest of us is a good thing.

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You see, horns are permanent structures that protrude from an animal's head. They do not come off unless they are broken off in combat or cut off by some gross human. E.g - bulls, rhinos. Antlers, on the other hand, fall off and grow back every year. E.g. - whitetail deer. Sometimes, if you're strolling through the woods in an area populated by deer, you'll just happen upon an antler that fell off a deer's head. Don't worry! It'll grow back.

I have friends who live in Wyoming. According to them, here is what Wyoming is most known for:

1. Oil2. Kitty litter manufacturing3. Crystal meth abuse

Does this mean I understand the Wyoming Way of Life now? Or do I need to learn to snowshoe, too?

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The Obama kids seem to be turning out alright.

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