Charter schools are overregulated. He wants the semi-poorz to send their kid to the fully-private, possibly parochial, school of their choice. Or the riches already sending their kids to fully-private, possibly parochial, all-white schools of their choice to get a big fat check back from the local taxman thus defunding those icky public school where all the blah people are.

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Yeah, you wanna fix the system for the poorz? Break the link between funding and local taxation revenues. It's hard to think of a way to design the system to more inevitably underserve the poor.

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You might want to hold off on the triumphalist chanting for a little while. England is mounting <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Academy_%28English_school%29#Criticism_of_and_opposition_to_the_academies_scheme" target="_blank">a serious challenge</a>. The Scots and Welsh have more sense.

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I want a credit for the 3 kids I DON'T have so I can haz a Corvette. Will that work?

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I missed the last PTA meeting, when did we add Hadassah to the charter?

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"School choice" = "Let's not do a fucking thing to fix the schools, but instead siphon off huge wadges of cash to our major donors"

The notion that you can improve the system by doing nothing but take money out of it is insultingly stupid to the point of obscenity.

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The solution is simple. Stop having stupid kids. I’m talking to you Ron Paul.

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I know right?

And do they think a bunch of openings at "good" schools will suddenly materialize out of thin air? Of course not, there'll just be an infestation of Louisiana-style "sit the kids in front of youtube and rake in the sweet, sweet government cash being redirected our way well-meaning but ill-informed and systematically misled parents" soi-disant schools.

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It smells like it because it's at least functionally equivalent.

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Yeah, it's all very "Right on, yeah, I agree, uhhuh, wait, WHAT THE HOLY FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"

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That sounds a lot like redistribution of wealth, which is un-American and communist unless it is redistributed upwards.

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They already have segregation, but the poor whites can't all afford to send their kids to the Academies.

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Isn't that just a given?

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And can it be soon?

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What next - a call to action on climate change by Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.)?

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