Yeah, what kind of elitist would think a bunch of blue collar Americans would rather stand out in the cold blocking traffic than watch the Super Bowl?

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Never fuck around with Gritty.

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Bad things happen in Philly.


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Well, two things...

It was not cold in LOS ANGELES - in fact it was forecast to be 84°F there yesterday.

But also, as Trevor Noah pointed out on "The Daily Show" last Thursday, the fuckertruckers would'nt've been able to get through the LA area traffic.They would've had to have been in the area at least 2-3 days early (if not more).

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Actually, the Canadian citizens are fully vaccinated at over 80%.The truckers themselves are fully vaccinated at over 90%.

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As a big non-sports fan, especially of the NFL Lethal Head Injuries group, even though it wouldn't've happened, I would've loved to see a shitload of trucks covering the entire field and destroying the NFL's killing field.

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Since this relates to the fuckertruckers, could they not be Amurican geese pretending to be locals?

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Personally I don't care if he smokes or not, but he is a vile, nasty, misogynist asshole, and was never that good a rapper.

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Oh, I just get SO annoyed when I try to put food in my hat!

True story. I have a friend who went to Rice Univ., and one day we were going somewhere, and the day before I got some extra rice at a Chinese resturant, and put it in a clear plastic bag, and stuck it to a cap.

So when she came over I asked her if this is what they all wore at her alma mater. She laughed.

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So the 150 reported trucks were just a dozen Ford 150s,

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Sorry to ruin your American pie, but Don McLean is now a MAGAt and has been on Fox News a few times.

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What? Get Up? Just bring the food HERE!

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For them, no SoFi, just sofas...

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And ignoring the fact that at one point the Ambassador Bridge was blocked by trucks, some of which can be seen in this photo in the back at left.

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Fucker Snarlson still works for me, but I'd acceptTrucker Fucker Snarlson

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