It's trumped by the other special rule for our Galtian overlords; "The rules only apply to the peasants, not to us."

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He's but one part of a horse.

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"the problem is ... we have a lot of media that are just so far on the left, that we just don’t have any neutral questions"So just appear on FOX where the echo chamber is more comfortable for you. What a whiner.

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If Randy was a real man he'd just tell them pesky wimminz that he'll break them in half and throw them off the balcony. That's the way real men handle the situation.

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... and one of these:

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Maybe they could just plagiarize his responses, would that satisfy you?...

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He just confiscated those glasses in the name of the Libertarian Party...

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Wouldn't he be a member of the Extremely Silly Party?

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He's forgetting the key to dealing with that problem: Beating them off with a stick.

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Boy, that Conway guy with his neutral questions really put Rand in his place!

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And it's not their fault that it's not their fault.

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The college sophomore libertardian brigade - the crowd that will flame a blog with 500 posts if anyone is foolish enough to put up 499 replies - doesn't seem all that fired up about Rand Paul.

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He was then placed in a crib with his new Wire Mother


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Just so we are clear:pointing out racism= the real racismanti-discrimination laws= the real discriminationalso related: believing in the Holocaust: Aryanism; accusing someone of rape: probably false; Well isn't this a fun game.

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Oh, shush! You're editorializing. See, the correct way to understand property rights is that Sen. Paul has these sunglasses he wants to sell to you. No, he didn't manufacture them himself, but that's irrelevant to the larger, making-money-for-Rand-Paul point. See, the sunglasses are really, really cool-looking, and Sen. Paul didn't see any compelling reason to come up with an idea of his own, so he simply, uh . . . appropriated (yeah, that's the ticket) the sunglasses and re-purposed them to his own use. See how that works? So now, the sunglasses are a whole new thing, and Sen. Paul deserves to make as much money as he can gouge out of his gullible base, because of liberty and unregulated free markets. And Ray-Ban can just suck it.

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No, his being quoted/recorded talking out of both sides of his mouth "skews" him.

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