Yesterday, while talking to Ari Melber in the filthy liberal demagogue echo chamber of MSNBC, Senator Rand Paul went into the defensive, whiny-ass titty-baby mode he always goes into when anyone calls him out for saying something stupid (somewhere around 7: 50 in the above video).
I can't put my finger on exactly when, but sometime in my adult life the right wing nutz decided beliefs shouldn't be right or wrong. Just as long as they are "deeply held" that's enough.
It would take a magical marketplace indeed, for white crackers in 1960s Dixie to yield to the economic might of the black people trying to sit at the lunch counter. Also too, why the f*ck hadn't the magic market worked in the previous 9 decades?
These people are imbeciles, immune to the facts and oblivious to reality. I have no doubt that AGW denial correlates very highly with being a free-market fool . . . can somebody get Mitt Romney on the line so I can bet him $10,000?
Parker Brothers will have to add that card to the Monopoly (Teabagger Edition) game: <i>&quot;Judge shares your sincerely held religious beliefs. Get out of jail free.&quot;</i>
Scalia will suddenly discover that &quot;public mores&quot; trump the actual language of the Constitution. Oh wait, he already did that. Nevermind.
I&#039;m sure unlike half a dozen academic libertarians like Nozick and Rothbard he will finally figure out how to write libertarian legislation that doesn&#039;t end up making sidewalks private.
Whatever is the opposite of a liberal ass goon.
If Rand Paul fell over in the woods, would there be anyone to hear me wildly applaud?
I have a fair idea it helps to have fair skin and fair hair.
Just to be fair.
I get the nut and you get the shell.
Now get the shell outta here!
I can&#039;t put my finger on exactly when, but sometime in my adult life the right wing nutz decided beliefs shouldn&#039;t be right or wrong. Just as long as they are &quot;deeply held&quot; that&#039;s enough.
As long as they agree with them, of course!
It would take a magical marketplace indeed, for white crackers in 1960s Dixie to yield to the economic might of the black people trying to sit at the lunch counter. Also too, why the f*ck hadn&#039;t the magic market worked in the previous 9 decades?
These people are imbeciles, immune to the facts and oblivious to reality. I have no doubt that AGW denial correlates very highly with being a free-market fool . . . can somebody get Mitt Romney on the line so I can bet him $10,000?
Baylor? I hardly know her!
Unfortunately, that includes turning previously-won causes into losing ones.
Yeah . . . ask Cliven Bundy about that. Poor guy was just thinking out loud, like cowboys do, and all the lliebrul racists jumped all over him.
It would be irresponsible not to cogitate.
Parker Brothers will have to add that card to the Monopoly (Teabagger Edition) game: <i>&quot;Judge shares your sincerely held religious beliefs. Get out of jail free.&quot;</i>
Scalia will suddenly discover that &quot;public mores&quot; trump the actual language of the Constitution. Oh wait, he already did that. Nevermind.
&quot;Trust me, I&#039;m a doctor&quot; still works well among the doofus demographic.
The Worst Bigotry is Being Called a Bigot Act.
I&#039;m sure unlike half a dozen academic libertarians like Nozick and Rothbard he will finally figure out how to write libertarian legislation that doesn&#039;t end up making sidewalks private.
<i>&quot;... I&rsquo;m always in favor of being fair to myself...&quot;</i>
Yup, that&#039;s Randy Paul&#039;s philosophy in a nut shell. Screw the rest of ya!