Ladies and Gentlemen. Let me introduce to you...

Joe the Stomper!

*thundering teabagger applause*

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Was he putting his thumb anywhere . . . uncomfortable?

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"If they didn't have anything to hide, why'd they lock the door?"

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Whaddaya got against GI Joe?

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I'm not shocked by violence at a campaign rally or event because stupid people do stupid things sometimes.

I also don't consider it a symptom of the candidate's rhetoric in general, since Rand Paul isn't exactly making "stomp on a liberal's head" part of his campaign platform.

What I am shocked by is how much this attack is being not just excused, but condoned.

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The "Citizens United to Stomp the Shit out of Annoying Liberals" ruling will also ensure that he can remain anonymous whilst exercising those First Amendment rights.

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Unfortunately, Dr. Paul is a big believer in the Profitt motive.

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Ok, so you have backpain, you can curbstomp someone, and then request an apology.

I have some pretty serious hunger, so I should be able to kidney punch the guy in the Subway line ahead of me. He'll probably apologize immediately, since he knows full well what he is up to, attempting to thwart my position.


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I am not sure here... do you need to apologize to the table now, or does your head need an apology from the table, or does the table need to apologize to you, or perhaps it is your <i>conscious will to harm your head</i> that needs an apology from your nerves that sensed the painful blows? Oh wait, maybe it is just the Wonkers that you need an apology from, after all... ?

I wish I was a better shitdouche, this doesn't come naturally to me.

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Hitler: "Goddamn this dandruff!"

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Dude...Donkey Punch: Ur duing it rong

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Apparently, <i>human voices</i> aren't very common in teaturd circles...

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Imagine a human face being smashed by a cheap sneaker, forever.

It's like American is the WalMart remake of 1984.

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The world of apologies has never been the same since Dick Cheney shot that guy in the face and got an apology from him.

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Think of the likely damage to Profitt's back caused by Valle's unnecessary attempts to get up and escape the stomping. I mean, couldn't she see he was in pain and that she should meekly submit to being stomped?

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