So far he's a pretty crappy compromiser.

But the Tea Party is a harsh mistress who demands unwavering obedience to her every whim. Do not displease her or she wil be forced to mete out severe punishments. The exquisite pain she dispenses hardens Mr. Paul's resolve.

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I sense the cold dead hand of the NRA. "If they outlaw airplane killing lasers, only outlaws will have airplane killing lasers."

Note to self: Don't fly over Tennessee during airplane hunting season.

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But I can still cause my kittens to run into walls by bouncing a laser pointer along the floor, right?

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Is that what that shit is about! Whenever I fly Ultra-First-Class on Airtran (please don't hate me) I always get my first vodka tonic in on the ground, and a double in the air. I'm always sure to swirl it around conspicuously as the peasants file past to their pathetic row 4-31 seats. It's just the American way. And when I can't upgrade, I glare judgementally at the pompous pricks who think they're so high and mighty as I head to my 0-recline seat in front of the shitter. But I do love to fly, and/or drink. Also, I notice you said y'all... Atlanta based?

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Doesn't contrary asshole really just mean cunt, anatomically speaking?

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But if you are named Randy and choose Rand as a statement, yes, you do!

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i would so give you more points for that...

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Coffee spurt damn you!

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Yes, and I love to come in here and lord it over y'all.

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Yeah, well, that pretty much IS the job they were elected to do. I think it says right on his application "Media Assclown"

How many atheists, do you suppose, become priests in order to streamline whatever religious-type works priests do?

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Especially the military charter flights, Elvis! Hubba Hubba!

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I can't say if he was good or bad, but I once dated one of his patients and all through the date she kept saying, "let me look at you with my good eye".

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Leave it to the states? Seriously? A plane flies into the Holy Sovereign Nation/State of Rascalistan from another state and this is a state issue? Perhaps he <strike>forgot</strike> was ignorant that anything that goes one between the states is the fed's business

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...doesnt he realize that it is hard enough for out pilots to fly shyt-faced drunk without laser beams turning their retinas into bacon?!

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As a <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/416013\/is-rand-paul-a-board-certified-opthamologist" target="_blank"> board certified opthalmologist</a> (fuck you, spell check), I can only but wonder how many people Rand Paul has blinded with laser beams.

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