Or a Rene Boucher beat down.

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A classic.

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Ivanka is looking to run for Little Marco's Senate seat.


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Paul just proves how stupid the people in Kentucky are since they keep voting for him.

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It is amusing, in a grim way, to watch "little Marco" further debase himself, and all for naught. He might just as well be publicly prostrating himself before an image of Durward Kirby for all the good it'll do him, while he couldn't make himself more ridiculous.

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Rubio is just trying out the abusers' fall back line, "I'll give you something to cry about!"

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Yep:HuffPostRepublicans Are Mad Joe Biden Isn’t Uniting The Nation Around The GOP Agenda

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Waiting for Ashley Judd to run against him.

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Apple falls not far from the tree.

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Journos need to be more forceful with fucks like Rand if they are going to interview them at all. When he trotted out the both sides bullshit against George, George should have yelled, yes, yelled back -“They looked at both sides 86 times you moron! How many times will it take before you accept the result of the election? How many more times does the court have to be bothered with this nonsense before you are satisfied that they’ve looked at “both sides”? Give me a number Rand, I want a number NOW! If you can’t come up with a number shithead then this is not about finding the truth, it’s about you and your ilk not accepting the truth. Shame on you! Shame on you! And a pox on all your houses! Now get the fuck out of this studio!”

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I noted on my FB in the real world. the line about disrespect of The Donald's autoriteh provoked the attempted insurrection smacked of "The b****wouldn't shut up, she made me do it".

The line about "provoking" his followers with impeachment struck me as "Don't call the cops on me, or I'll do it again."

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the worst zen question ever , " whos the bigger asshole ,Rand or Rubio " , I much prefer "if a tree falls in the woods could it please hit one of them "

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Why is it that these fuckrags get invites on every Sunday show week after week to spread disinformation? Just curious

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EXACTLY! I feel the same way when Chris Hayes has Mo Fucking Brooks on his show and let’s him speak in a five minute run on sentence and never calls bullshit.

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Little Randy, keep some gas in your lawnmower.President Biden wants you to mow the White House lawn. Do to for America.

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Well. Rand while there are two (or more sides) to every argument, it does not necessarily follow, that there are two valid sides to every argument.

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