I think they call that tar sandtorum

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win of the morning

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only burr holes for cosmetic conversion from skull to bowling ball

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Oil and gas companies are already sitting on a pile of offshore drilling leases that have been issued to them by the Obama administration that they simply don't have the ability to exploit yet. The only thing holding them back are limitations imposed by scarcities of personnel, materiel and the like. The Federal government isn't holding them back, it has thrown open the door and said, "go for it."

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They are stupid things, or so I've heard.

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<i>can probably even be done with one’s shirt off, depending on the weather.</i>

Of course. Wingnut tactical masturbatory fantasies are their only reality.

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And a waiting period for something. Definitely not for drilling, though.

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How about Sarah Palin's property? We could look across the ocean and thumb our noses at Russia.

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William Kristol, for one, is all for drilling Sarah Palin.

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Half a brain Half a brain Half a brain onward all in the valley of derp rode the smug hundred

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These fucking mental midgets have no clue.Here in Ohio with the Utica and Marcellus shale formations we have plenty of oil and gas only trouble is it is owned by China and Japan they bought the rights on some 200,000 acres.So tell me ole wise one how does that work, we piss off Russia by pissing of China and selling their oil and gas to Europe.Would be nice there Rand if our oil was nationalized then WE could do something but at last check WE dont own it the land owner down the road might and who says he is going to allow you to drill.Damn the free market system gets in the way again

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Repeal Obummercare!

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All this drilling talk all the time. I'm starting to think it might be Freudian.

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Does Obamacare cover Trepanning???

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No abortions after the first missed period.

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