"Salted cod" a/k/a baccala.

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Rand Paul just loves pointless grandstanding. Motherfucker didn't give a shit when he voted to explode the deficit with billionaire taxcuts.

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Actually, "Trumpians" are culturally regressive, anti-social, post-ideological nihilists with personality disorders. Libertarians are culturally regressive, anti-social, still-ideological nihilists with personality disorders. The difference is profound: You can never have a conversation with a MAGAt. You can have a conversation with a libertarian, but would never want to.

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Garlic in his soul? No. There is nothing good about Rand Paul.

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We all need more Prince music in our lives, ESPECIALLY Rand Paul.

He also needs to be poisoned by the noxious Joker gas, Smilex.

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Heh, heh.

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I am not against garlic.

It's deelish.

But (as I have mentioned before) I am allergic to the point that it could (and almost did) kill me.

I don't think Rand has garlic in soul so much as a huge vacancy where his soul ought to be.

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Am I hearing the Adderall sniff here that I usually hear from the toddler when he is fired up?

The utter hypocrisy is so stunning here, there really is nothing to comment on. What a dirt bag- among the worst.

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Doubt it.

That move from Trump will basically torpedo the whole thing.

It is 600 now, or zero zip nada niente for weeks, if not months.

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SO, this lawn mower man voted for the tax break for billionaires? You know I just don't get that. Because I at least thought those guys really hated debt. But they really hate poor people? But he seems poor himself somehow. I mean he seems hardscrabble and weird.

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This is another massively stupid person that doesn't realize what fiat money actually is. Rand really does think that the money we collect in tax is the money we spend on government projects. He's too fucking dumb to realize what modern money actually is: simply the promise to pay by the government. He's so fucking idiotic that he thinks it's really like a household budget. He should be forced to push a peanut with his nose all the way back to Kentucky.

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Like every other spoiled rotten li'l punk, Rand inherited his racism from his daddy.

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All I got is: Fuck that short asshole!

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Is there a Kickstarter page to get boxing lessons for his neighbor?

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10-4 good buddy. We used to joke that we had to be wheeled home in a wheelbarrow. The aunts would begin prepping days before the big Christmas Eve dinner. There was shrimp cocktail, baked stuffed shrimp, red sauce, red sauce simmered with whole calamari stuffed with bread crumbs, baked large stuffed hot cherry peppers, cold codfish salad (salted cod soaked, drained, flaked, dressed with garlic cloves, chopped celery, anchovies, chopped peppers, oil and vinegar) and of course pasta, much wine, then on to coffee (brown=regular, black=espresso) with dollops of anisette or sambuca, and Italian pastries for dessert. I may have forgotten a few items. It has been decades since those dinners. My wife and I, in-laws, the aunts, uncles, cousins, much laughter. I do miss them so.

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