My favorite Swiftianism is "Yahoo."

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Sorry I misunderstood. I completely agree that Dems need to start believing in things and fighting for them. They used to stand for protecting SS and Medicare; they've gone soft on those. Per Ryan, the Dems will get a chance to redefine themselves next year when the Repubs go after entitlement programs 'cause the deficit is too big and we can't possibly cut taxes or military.

Choosing no tolerance on sexual abuse is also not a bad platform plank.

My Dem hero, style-wise, is Lyndon Johnson. He was horribly wrong about the Viet Nam, but he was a tough fighter and an extraordinarily effective politician. Dems used to know how to fight like junkyard dogs; they need to recover that skill. I would think the Trump administration would give them all the ammunition they need.

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"I might be stupid, but I'm not crazy."

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Doesn't really speak highly of them as a news outlet if they're stupid or chickenshit enough to buy Cernovich's bullshit. Either they're too dumb to recognize obvious sarcasm, or too spineless to stand up to even a whiff of controversy. Not a good look for an organization that's supposed to be in the business of speaking truth to power.

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While selling off public education to "charter school" companies owned by GOP "donors"...

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An ignorant electorate is an easily controlled electorate.

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Cernovich has obviously been trolling "libs" to affectuate an "equivalency" between Dems and Roy Moore - totally under reported by MSM, who CONSTANTLY shift, seamlessly, from discussions of Roy Moore to "what about Franken?" (or Conyers or now, Seder). Cernofascist never seems to find instances of other Republicans, while weaponizing and trivializing this issue. Hmmm. They must exist - I mean other than the 800 pound pig in the White House. Again, no MSM nuance, caz they worry about being tarred as "liberal biased hypocrites". "They go low, we go high" is so 2016.

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No, this isn't a lack of sarcasm detector, this is 100% purposefully misrepresenting the tweet by removing it from context. Cernovich and the Pepe Squad know EXACTLY what they are doing here. This is a pure Shirley Sherrod Combo Platter, and to hell with MSNBC for allowing themselves to be played as marks.

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MSNBC: Home of the Never Trumper

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fuck.one of the few sane voices on the 'but both sides' network.told them they could kiss my eyeballs goodbye until this is reversed.

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Mentally Ill Douche is the full title.

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yeah... why are you defending the terrorists?

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Cernovich is either to dumb to recognize sarcasm and hyperbole or being disingenuous as fuck.

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The backlash has arrived. First Franken, then Kihuen, and now this.

By Xmas it will be a given that men are trash, they sexually assault everything in a skirt, and there's just nothing anyone can do about any of it. That's just the way it is.

As always, overreach leads to empty hands.

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Let's be fair - MSNBC is looking for any excuse to cut Leftist voices free. In the coming corporate dystopia, there will no profit in bucking the single-party line.

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