I'll even turn our TV on! Have to wear headphones, tho. Unless the Contratisto wants to join in. Prolly invite the neighbors over, food, drink.I'll even get a pinata so people can take whacks at it to relieve the tension!!!

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Not even SquirrrrlZ.

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Why is everything Donald Trump does so small, Mommy?

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That sounds like fun! Can I come over? I'll bring some cold ones.

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that would deffinatelydistract me!

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I was not going to watch it, I didn't want to worship the porcelain throne. Reading about it, yesterday, that he actually stayed on script, after careful consideration, I wonder what anti psychotic meds they had him on, and if he knew he'd been drugged....

And, of course, as one or two stories I read this morning put it, his "victory lap" didn't last 24 hours.

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If you don't count the people who didn't watch, I had the HIGHEST viewership of ANY SHOW EVER

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Reichstag Fire.

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Don't forget, ruining the economy so the poor have no way of supporting themselves unless they join the "voluntary" military.

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That is a good idea. I should start watching them. It would help with improving my Spanish.

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Thank you for your service, my fellow ancient hippie comrade.

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...no decent white man will have ya.

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Jeff Spicoli put it best:"You DICK!!!

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I try to watch with the Spanish subtitles on to help my Spanish if I'm alone. My husband prefers the English subtitles because he's only picked up a few words from my watching, like "No puede ser!" I used to translate what's happening for him except I'd get caught up in the plot and forget to tell him what's going on.

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