wow the morning joe green room caucus is really taking off. let me know when any one of these "principled" republicans actually wins an election.

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Dear WashPo, "GOP civil war" is my thing. Please send me all the copyright moneyz so I can give them to Wonkette.

(Good piece that fills in some details about the big plan to take back the GQP from the Trumpistas, lol)

100 Republicans are vowing a GOP ‘civil war.’ Here’s why that’s good news.

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Look at how many Reagan aids were indicted and convicted. A whole lotta lying to congress convictions too. Yes. Let's return to that.


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The best thing for democracy would be for this current GOP to splinter and wither until it is a purely regional party, and either a new conservative-but-democratic party takes its place or splinters off from the Democrats. But for now, the biggest obstacle to saving our democratic system is the large number of conservatives who see the partisan victory of their side as more important than our overall system of government, and still vote GOP despite whatever reservations they have with it. It's time they faced facts--there is no conservative party right now, just a center left democratic party (the Democrats) and a fascist party masquerading as a conservative party.

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And the "strapping young bucks."

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More than any other politician in the last 100 years, Reagan sent the GOP on the path to where it is now, with compromise = treason and the only "principles" are power and obstruction.

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I wish the MAGA bunch would immediately withdraw to the nearest parallel dimension.

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In old AD&D terms, I'd say this is a fight between lawful evil types and chaotic evil types.

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Recount what? It was a voice vote. No records, no tally.

The only explanation I can think of for this, is they knew that if they did a secret ballot like the last time they tried this, she would have survived again. Because even House Republicans know Cheney is right on this, but they're too cowardly to say so with named votes, and they're too afraid of The Previous Guy™ to risk his wrath by leaving her in place again.

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the republican party was already broken. that's why trump happened in the first place.

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THIS. He is but the ultimate symptom of their sick thinking.

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Bless your heart, David Frum and Jennifer Rubin and all the other "woe is me my beloved party has been overtaken by people who don't express misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, antisemitic and other GOP values in soft, euphemistic phraseology! Where has our moral authority gone?"

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That is an accurate summation of the situation.

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Tax cuts for the wealthy, denying Americans affordable health care, and restricting voting rights aren't “principled" positions no matter how politely you express them. Besides, if we've learned anything from the past five years, it's that few Republican voters actually care about policy. They're hooked on the cruelty.

I was going to say something about what do they even stand for, but this paragraph can’t be improved.

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I hope against hope that the Greene-Gaetz-Hawley wing will splinter off into a modern-day Dixiecrat party, leaving Mitch McConnell scuttling across his terrarium to hide under a fake rock. Then we could have regular Democrats and a new Progressive party. After the Stop the Steal party suffered an ole-timey ass-whuppin, Dems and the AOC party could form a coalition government and elect Liz Warren prime minister and Rev Dr. William Barber as deputy. Rachel Maddow would be press secretary or perhaps director of all policies foreign and domestic.

Y’all’s turn. What happens next?

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We all sit around a fire as one big happy family and sing songs of love and loss...?

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