No doubt DWS is in favor of anything that helps Hillary, but really it wouldn't matter much if the Dems had a broader debate schedule. Bernie would need a three way race at minimum to have any hope of upsetting Clinton. He's just not going to rack up 50% or better in enough states to make it happen.

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Don't get her an Electrolux, I hear they really suck...

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i think it's permissible to put that off until our eighties . . . assuming i make it that long.

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fuck you, child.

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That's probably true and I think he's known that the whole time. My problem with the whole thing is that it's not up to DWS to make that call

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it'd be worth it just to watch all those wingnut heads explode

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Just saw some old guy being interviewed on the TV. He said Snowden has blood on his hands because Paris. First, France are big boys now. They have their own spy agencies and detected nothing. There are no laws against us spying on the rest of the world. WTF?

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I already do all the cooking and cleaning the kitchen and about 50/50 my own laundry. We don't have kids, and I feed the dog.

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And Sheila Kuehl - badass California legislator as Zelda!

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Actually our greeting for the party is "Fuck Christmas!"

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Martin O'Malley is going to go all misleadingly Ted Cruz on Bernie Sanders (he keeps turning up the outrage after crafting flip flopping accusations that are about as convincing as the RNC's 2012 "we built that" campaign). He'll assert that his immigration love has always been purer than both Clinton's and Sanders'. If he doesn't pile on with Hillary enough, he'll blow his chances of an appointment from her.

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PYRITE!! You're right, but then again, who doesn't enjoy a good puppy slaughter??!

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You *think* it does, but really, it doesn't....

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Went straight from welfare Cadillac to Welfare Mercedes Benz

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12 here, going on lucky 13.

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Oooo good point.

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