Ronnie didn't even recognize his adopted son at his high school graduation!

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I’m guessing Christmas at the Reagan’s wasn’t much fun.

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I heard Michael Reagan on Off-the-Mark's show, and Mr. Reagan is constantly being urged to run for President. I know this to be true because he said it.

I'm sure the fact that he has a new book out has nothing to do with this flirtation. It may turn into a one-night stand; I seriously doubt it's going to be a long-term relationship.

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I wonder if Michael R. has a long-form birth certificate. If he's going to run for President, it's never too early to find out all about that.

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December 25th at the Reagan household...

RR: Someone get the door. NR: Michael, would you get the door? MR: There’s no one at the door! Dad is hearing bells again. Get RRjr to answer the door. RR: Someone get the door! RRjr: Something stinks, Mom did you change Dad this morning? NR: We have a maid for that but she has Christmas off. MR: I’m not changing him! RRjr: I’m not changing him! NR: Fine then, we’ll just wait till tomorrow. RR: Someone get the dang door!

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Do either of the Messrs. Reagan explain (justify?) President Reagan's support of Saddam Insane - and then double-crossing him by trying to selling arms to Iran (you can't spell "Iran-Contra" without "Iran").

Or how the Reagan Administration's support for Afghan "freedom fighters" turned out to be support for the Taliban and the actual, factual roots of the 9/11 attack? Somehow the annodyne term "blow-back" doesn't quite sum it up.

Or how about the huge Federal debt run up during the two Reagan administrations? Not to mention rampant inflation. President Jimmy Carter was right - we needed fiscal restraint and energy independence and the rest.

Unfortunately, President Reagan failed to lead our nation in the right direction.

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