<i>edward bland</i>


and tell me, <i>edward bland</i> how many men fall into the category of '58' and 'take care of their bodies?'

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i'm pretty sure she pissed off most republicans - especially the reagan ones.

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Not Suitable For Wonkette

But keep at it, Junior.

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Is that like Yale or Harvard? I went to a state school so anything like this exists in the realm of fantasy.

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Would I be the first to point out that the photo in question has been through Photoshop? Not the new feature that makes round things bigger, perhaps, (or perhaps not), but the feature that smooths things out; probably 'smart blur'; that's what I would have tried.

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Well...like I said, I went to a state school. USF to be precise. We were the stuff that wasn't fit to be put into Spam.

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Nude enough to be arousing, but not so nude that they can't still pretend she's a he.

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Another Republican presidential candidate's daughter posing "naked"! Is this a trend? I hope so. Come on Glenn, ralph it up for a Reagan.

I guess if Sarah Palin™ gets the nomination, we can look forward* to a Bristol overexposure episode and subsequent Beck barf-o-rama in a couple years. _________________ * not really

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Older women know what they want. She can spank me anytime.

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I am proud to say that I have never seen the 2girls1cup video - and I never will.

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"New Brunswick NJ"

He made that up, right?

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