Entrepreneur, I expect.

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You will never get me to agree to any "well, but" about Ronnie Rogaine. He was not very smart, significantly ignorant, and a fucking lying bastard on top of that, and the only true belief he ever held was that since "the System" had worked out just fine for him, personally, it was obviously just the ticket for everybody else.

Recently, there has been a swell of "Jeez, these Teafuckers don't even realize that Reagan wasn't as crazy as they are". While true, what this misses is that Ronbo was <i>absolutely as big an asshole as he could get away with being at the time.</i> The fact that things are worse now is largely because he moved the fucking window as far as he possibly could.

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Hmm. Hadn't heard of that, although I have heard of Silver City. The thing is, 9%?

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Two reasons:

1. In his role as useful idiot, he helped his handlers shift the US political discourse window at least half as far to the right as FDR had shifted it to the left.

2. Boraxo.

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Not possible. Requires BRAIINNZ at some point in the transaction.

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They could move up to "Bralette" level.

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Oh, after googling, I assumed you were referring to "Fat Bastard Scotch Ale" (which I now guess is called "Fat Scotch Ale" -- isn't trademark law wonderful?) out of Silverdale WA. The Ale is what I would call barleywine, at 9%.

If I ever see the merlot, I'll give it a try.

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I really feel that Ronald Reagan was the worst thing to happen to the United States of America in my lifetime.

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People who haven't given up and started leaving the house in pyjamas and a bathrobe. Yet.

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You never heard of PJ O'Rourke, did you?

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Get into my belly!!

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Wait, young?? Prick's older than me!

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Wait, I thought it said, "I love Stossel's Tool."

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I was expecting popped collars and Members Only jackets, given the "Reagan Era" theme.

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...but, I swear I can smell conceit and <strike>Axe</strike> Hai Karate wafting out of those pics...


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Christ you know it ain't easy.

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