Looks like cowbirds are squatters, egg and nest-wise.We are sill looking for any sign of Cowbird nests, They don't make their own, actually. Cockoos, famiusly do the same trick.Some birds can out trick the interlopers (as some do to Cukoos) by buiding new nests on top of the foster famiy eggs but this does not always work. Some birds can tell the difference (size, color) Most do not.People try to help by removing the wrong eggs but be advised- one should not mess with these nests or the eggs for fear of disturbing the real eaggs and their pairs- especially late in the season when they don't have enough time to rebuild or alter their own nests against the Cowbird intriues.P---(animal lover) wrote this.
Innsmouth is often overlooked when people think of an oceanside vacation getaway, but it has its unique charms. Plus the locally-caught seafood is an amazing value!
Looks like cowbirds are squatters, egg and nest-wise.We are sill looking for any sign of Cowbird nests, They don't make their own, actually. Cockoos, famiusly do the same trick.Some birds can out trick the interlopers (as some do to Cukoos) by buiding new nests on top of the foster famiy eggs but this does not always work. Some birds can tell the difference (size, color) Most do not.People try to help by removing the wrong eggs but be advised- one should not mess with these nests or the eggs for fear of disturbing the real eaggs and their pairs- especially late in the season when they don't have enough time to rebuild or alter their own nests against the Cowbird intriues.P---(animal lover) wrote this.
Aw, nuts!
it's all a distraction from the real war being waged on happy holidays
Mary Dyer being led to the gallows in Boston, 1660. She was a Quaker - one of the four martyrs.
[Appears to be a painting by the great Howard Pyle.]
Me too, and the whole dinosaur thing.
Now she'll never get her eggs back - you monsters!
That's what Jimmy Walker said years ago when it was announced US Postal Service workers were going to subject to drug testing.
Because it is in inexhaustible.
That's my go-to comment when Reactionaries post comments calling Progressives lemmings. "So, you fell for that lie, as well?"
I thought that as well.
nom nom ....
Also,I had questions concerning the purpose of mosquitoes.
They cost thousands of dollars, which is why they're a status symbol that must be flaunted at very occasion.
Was the name 'Me First Policies' already taken?
Innsmouth is often overlooked when people think of an oceanside vacation getaway, but it has its unique charms. Plus the locally-caught seafood is an amazing value!