The giant basket is the only interesting thing you've mentioned.

Now I've seen it.

Now I don't need to go to Ohio.

Thank goodness..

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Rove is still butthurt at Ohio conservafilth for failing to throw the state to Mittens on election night 2012. They probably tried to cry that they should get some leniency because they did so well in 2004, but Rove doesn't swing that way.

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The founding fathers would be shocked that the coloreds are voting.

And the bitches.

And those white trash who don't own property.

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The voting machines can be counter-hacked by real hackers who can lock the cheating trash out, once and for all.

Or at least 105 times if Anonymous can be believed.

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This was my experience in LA and SF when I lived there. I went to some old people's garage a few streets over from where I lived, nobody in line, did my voting, went to work. It took me longer to take a shower than it did to make the detour to vote.

Blue states, I swear.

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"These orders cost Hamilton County taxpayers $57,000, and forced the inside poll workers to stay around for an extra 60 to 90 minutes after already working a 14-hour day."

Please note that this is the first incident in known history that an elected Republican official in Ohio has expressed any concern for a worker who wasn't a billionaire.

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In my state, they restricted the sale of alcohol during polling hours.

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It has special heating elements in the handles to prevent snow from accumulating there during a heavy snowstorm. The weight would break the handles off.

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Ohio has voting by mail, and it actually works rather well. It went into effect after the Democrats retook the legislature and the statewide offices in 2006 after the debacle of 2004. Anyone can request an absentee ballot. The request form is online, fill it out, print it, mail it, and the absentee ballot comes to your home.

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You knew Kasich was an Ohio Republican, didn't you?

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You haven't really seen it until you've been there in person. It...changes you.

And Columbus' Northstar Cafe has one of the best veggie burgers in the country (the secret ingredient is beets!).

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Hey, the law (in its majesty) requires rich and poor alike to cough up the $10,000. How is that discriminatory?

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We should pitch in to buy her a pair of specialized Republican-ass-kicking boots.http://shanghaitrends.co.uk...

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I'm guessing they didn't get LEED certification, then.

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Money talks - and when it does, politicians listen.

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LOL - that will so impress the judge. Either that witness just trolled the Rethuglicans in spectacular style, or that witness is a first-class idiot.

I'd have asked the witness how it is possible for one person, with their one vote, to have "too much access".

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