Is Chris, Peggy in anti-drag?

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Back then, around '96, some friends pointed out you don't win with Windows, you only lose... so it was Lose 95, then Lose 98, and the *perfectly* named Lose Me. I'm going to Lose 8 and *really* Lose 10.... (7 is mostly usable...when I'm not in Linux (which is what I do for a living).

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The nation is divided because half of them won't watch the propaganda channel.

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I know Socrates. Socrates is a friend of mine. The Tuck is no Socrates.

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Oh yeah? My homie Plato and me are SO TIGHT. We're like fleek yo!

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Apparently Socrates is on Twitter, because Tucker is following him. Along with the rest of "the philosophers".

Was it Tucker's or the author's idea to write the ultimate boss brown-nose tribute?

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All of them, Katie.

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"In the immortal words of Socrates, "I drank what?"" *

* From the 1985 movie, "Real Genius"

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Ben Shapiro does the same thing at DailyWire dot com. He loves to praise himself in posts written by "Hank Berrien".

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Lol, i was thinking the same thing.

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I am Not going to bother reading this awful biased article! Tucker Carlson is Great....I love when he humiliates Brainwashed Unhinged Dishevelled Uneducated Uniformed Jealous Violent Triggered Looney Lying Lefty Racist Race Baiting Whiny Loser Nutjob LIBERAL DemonRat CryBaby Hypocrite Snowflake Filthy Libt4rds! Hahaha! It's so funny! He Exposes them....and it is too good to be True!

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Yes...Jon Stewart is a Dick! A complete Unfunny Unhinged Dishevelled Uniformed Jealous Triggered DICK!

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Oh honey. You must be *this* smart to go on this ride. You're in over your head, boo boo.

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Jeez, you can "Kalbach" spelled that wrong: it's profit, not prophet...

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I'm uncomfortable with this joke. Are we talking about breast feeding? What are we talking about? Cannibalism? Using DR to make a joke is risky, no?

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