Would Cat Stevens have been so hard? Work with me, dammit!

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That was confusing !

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The Indians don't run the casinos; they're not sufficiently evolved.

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The difference in the hate between Republicans and Democrats says it all. Dems are just dumb as stumps.

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Since the 1890s, progressivism, the trickling communism, has been slowly seeping in our government. It's taken 100 yrs for these Marxists to come out of the Democrat Party closet. Also, this seeping progressivism has seeped into the Republican Party as well. Now, we have a flat out Marxist representing what use to be the liberal democratic party and we have a national socialist representing what use to be the republican party. Now, we have to decide whether we can keep out Liberty. Our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are in jeopardy because no one is representing them. They are our nations foundation and laws of the land. Without them, we become what we hate most. The big battle will be between Marxism and our Constitutional Republic. Semper Fi

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I'm an American and I hate America . Not only because the people here are racists as shit but also because they're rude and the government does not care about its people ! This is a very bull shit country and I would rather live anywhere else but here !!! And it's sad that I feel this way about my OWN country !! It needs work! And if trumps becomes president I will be either moving tf out of this country before he burns it in flames or I will be killing myself !

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I live in China. Glad I don't live in petty, hate-filled, wacko-religious, drug-crazed, wacko-LGBT, abnoxious, I know everything but I don't even read, I'm better than you Americans. Love it here. Only hassle is the visa. If Trump really messes things up I'd rather live in Nicaragua than America. AND I'M AMERICAN. At least I know the constitution.

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I know whatcha mean. It's frustrating arguing with idiot trolls all day and getting nowhere. We have become a massive cult like Jonestown. So many people are brainwashed. I don't know if it was like this under McCarthy, but it actually seems a million times worse.

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We need more drugs not less. That's another F'd up thing about this country. Let people kill themselves with heroin if they want. (and it's not El Chapo's fault people are addicted to pain killers, it's BIG PHARMA) It's the only reason I can think of to replace people with robots. If you have vast robot army you can kill everyone here and no more expensive mouths to feed. They have no interest in people retraining for other jobs.

The rich just want to live in the midst of their robot army of servants.

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May I see an updated version of this. I'd like to know how many Americans, TODAY, Hate America. Not how many people 5 years ago hated America.

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It is because the government represents wealth interests NOT the majority of Americans. Go to you tube and look up government corruption by Represent US..they explain it nicely. The US government has NEVER actually represented Americans in any way.You can Google, "study shows US government is an oligarchy".

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you have got to be joking. What we have is a federal government that takes from the taxpayer to line the pockets of big business and the wealthy. So in that respect it is "communistic" for the rich, and a plutocracy for everyone else. Our federal government is a joke...we have NEVER had a democratic republic.. they have to put kids in school to brainwash them for 12 years to believe the lie that our government is a democratic republic. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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to be fair, i hate at least 1/2 of our legislature in ways and words that cannot be expressed.

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Grover Norquist's itchy stranglin' fingers?

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I like America just fine, it's the people that piss me off.

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Or Stone Phillips.

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