Predator drones patrolling the freeways.

"Is the guy in that silver Camry weaving a bit?" "Yep. Take him out!"

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Bullshit...that's a screen shot of a game I used to play called Carmageddon.

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Even his flying license was in order.

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We're not to far off on the <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/radley-balko\/raquel-nelson-jail-for-jaywalking_b_905925.html" target="_blank">jaywalking</a> thing.

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Aw, Pristine, that statement genuinely gives me teh sadz. It shouldn't be an unearned privilege to be pale as fuck. If it's even a tiny consolation, I burn just seeing an image of the sun on tv.

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Way too much work. Get yourself a bottle of Blair's Sudden Death. By the time you use enough of that to have a problem with the salt, you're gonna have a whole world of other problems.

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Maybe, but it's a shame if we can't keep the cute ones.

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Holidaying in Bali sounds lovely, but teh Burn is teh Bastard. I'm (half) of the same ethnic make as your friend and describe my complexion as "autopsy"...pale or fair doesn't impart the purplish hue. ;-) I know the pain and the peeling intimately. Classified under stuff-that-sucks-ass.

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bagger anthem:

'lalalalalala i can't hear you black man lalalalalala i can't hear you white house lalalalala i can't hear you'

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this is good news for the tequilla party.

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Yay, Secure Communities! I know I feel safer knowing that you're going to catch and deport Speedy Gonzalez, rather than throwing a couple points on his license and making him pay more for insurance. Wait, what do you mean he can't get a license or insurance? Who's paying for my new bumper? Me?!?

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Happens to USCs with alarming regularity. Mostly the brown ones, of course. And, of course there are relatively quick and easy ways to confirm citizenship, but who wants to when there's a scary brown dude changing lanes without signaling?

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