“No other free People in a supposedly free country consent to corporate oligarchy or tyrannical despotism.”

Fixed it for you…..

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No other country has a percentage of stupid, moronic members of the electorate…..

Turns out, there’s a correlation. 🤷‍♂️

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So I come from the home of Medicare in Canada and I can say unequivocally that this means they have read their history books. Here the CCF government started with care for babies and people with disabilities in postwar SK. Then they expanded to pregnant women. It’s really hard to be the bastards who yanked medical care from babies and veterans and moms, so people had time to ease into it, and see how it went, and like it. Then they provided everyone with hospitalization insurance, and then full Medicare. You cannot wedge the door open. With a long enough lever I can move the world and all that.if you wedge open the door you become Canada. So you need to keep even the smallest sickest babies from getting free care. It’s the only answer to keeping the wedge out of the door.

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CCF? SK? Acronyms are an enemy to communication.

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Saskatchewan = SK. Hard to spell, easy to draw. (Is large rectangle.)

Cooperative Commonwealth Federation = CCF. Is front runner to New Democratic Party here. Sort of like Britain’s Labour Party. USians don’t have a comparison. Like, Democratic Socialists down there are only kind of like our Liberals.

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Thank you

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Red states just showing how pro-life they are!

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Well obviously we can't call out these miscreant states because that would upset our precious comity.

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If you don’t provide health care for the children then you get fewer adults wanting health care! Winning!

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As if by definition, #UniversalHealthcare is a plank on the Democratic party platform? Please. For all statistically significant purposes, they are the SAME

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Almost everyone who comes into our South Bronx clinic has Medicaid, often with another insurance (Medicare, Amidacare, etc.). SHS is a worse governor than her useless father, and that's saying something.

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It baffles me that red state governors cannot decouple their hatred, and scorn for impoverished citizens, long enough to realize the obvious fact that Medicaid subsidize health care providers - both inpatient, and outpatient. Medicaid isn't a "handout" to people they hate. It's money paid to professionals who deliver healthcare - MDs, NPs, PAs, PharmDs, RNs, lab techs, radiology techs, etc., etc. Once the funding disappears, the healthcare providers will disappear.

Then maybe Sarah can say, “Those who do not qualify for Medicaid are sending precious healthcare providers to blue states where they will be compensated for providing services to those who need them. As for you unfortunate people who are stuck in Arkansas, well, sad day for you. I'm doing just fine y'all."

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The cruelty is the point.

As it so often is.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023

Do employers, and potential employers, in these states really want their workers coming in sick and contagious with easily treatable diseases, spreading their germs to all the other employees? And not just to the minimum wagers on the floor but potentially to management and their families. May I also ask how many hospitals in Arkansas will close because there is no Medicaid money to fund said hospitals?

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Short answer, yes, except for the precious few that vote for Democrats.

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Wut? They aren’t advocating for by definition #UniversalHealthcare either!!!

Medicaid expansion is nothing more than a corporate subsidy.

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The main reason these dreadful 'policies' are supported is that they're supposed to hurt minorities (especially Black folk) more, no matter the data on the ground. The people in charge hurt themselves just to make Black folk hurt worse.

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What can you expect from people who believe in the literal existence of magic?

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I'm sure if a Democratic governor made applying for a small business tax credit so bureaucratically cumbersome, or made the requirements so arcane, that half of all businesses either didn't, or couldn't figure out how to, qualify for it and then bragged about how much he'd saved the state -- Republicans would be so proud of his fiscal discipline. But it's just poor kids, not a tractor dealership or something, so fuck'em.

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I feel like if a Democrat governor actually did that, most GOPers would see “business owner” and they start with the histrionics about hating business owners. But yes, because it’s kids, minorities, and seniors, the GOP says fuck them.

And yet the seniors will still vote for anyone with an (R) by their name.

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Here's a crazy thought--if we can't have Medicare For All, how about just Medicare for All Children. How could that possibly be wrong.

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There is the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) which is tied to Medicaid. It is intended to provide full coverage to all impoverished children. Apparently as red state (fascist, autocratic, white supremacist, Christian nationalist) governors dismantle Medicaid in their states, kids are also swept into the wood chipper.

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I'm talking about just fucking covering all children, regardless of financial circumstance. Let's do that with school lunches, too.

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And breakfast. But not the CORPORATE SUBSIDY BS the Democratic Party offers.

#FarmToSchool Breakfast and lunch.

By definition #Universalhealthcare

With absolute free market for providers and facilities.

While we are there, install a #FarmToFamily model for SNAP & WIC.

Over 400 BILLION $ to small familiy farms instead of the toxic industrial agribusiness planet killing model……

DEMOCRATIC constituents don’t understand policy any better than the average GOP voter.

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No argument here.

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Sorry, but that sounds too much like "solution" so it would never fly.

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Can't have those little freeholders getting medical help just because they're sick. Next thing you know they're going to want us to feed them without any humiliation or anything.

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Suffer the little children, amirite?

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Something that might make this a bit more difficult is if the U.S. had a civilized health care system. Like those commie Marxist socialist Nazi antifa woke leftist liberal fascist Euros with their fancy coffees and pastries and incomprehensible languages that nobody can ever understand, or those American Euros to the north of us, with their universal health care that isn't portioned out based on your income and insurance.

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That is just DRIPPING with IRONY! No one of consequence in the Democratic Party is advocating for by definition #UniversalHealthcare!!!!

Corporate subsidy TERRIBLE HEALTHCARE, as in, killing you quicker in the name of Corporate Donor class profits

Medicare Expansion is all they offer.

All the SAME!!!!

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KKKapitalism Uber Alles!

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023

It shouldn't continue to shock me that evangelical "Christians" like Huckabee are sadists. I have read the Old Testament (the only part of the Bible they like) after all. And yet, their inhumanity and the glee they take in hurting all the people Jesus explicitly called on them to help (the poor, the sick, and the slutty) are breath-taking.

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They’re not ‘christians’ in quotes.

They call themselves that and identify as it.

They’re what christianity is - openly racist, sexist, authoritarian, and paranoid.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Oh I agree. I put Christians in quotes because it refers to Christ, of whom they are decidedly NOT followers. Jesus was a groovy dude, and the polar opposite of racist, sexist, authoritarian and paranoid.

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If *only* they took the Old Testament literally. There's tons of stuff in there about how God is going to fuck you up if you're unjust and cruel to the poor and vulnerable. In fact, that what got Sodom and Gomorrah good and smote: "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy." (Ezechiel 16:49)

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I’d like to use The Eternally Disappointed Optimist as my slam poetry stage name.

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