The road to Hell goes through Manitoba?

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Mid terms will be along so they'll be licking GOP primary voter taint, that's as nasty as it gets.

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Oh, I just thought an example from history would illustrate your point.

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No wonder Neil left.

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Good, hands-on Dad and good grandfather--it shows.

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Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff---YAY! Those are my senators. Let's do everything we can to keep them, fellow Georgians, despite all Brian Kemp and our GOP legislature's machinations.

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All this big talk by repuQs about being pro-life. It's time for Dems to throw it in their faces. If they want to call themselves pro-life they had better get on board or STFU.

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It's true! People and their pets do start to look alike!

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They’re already on record as saying they were willing to sacrifice grandma for the economy. They’ve embraced death panels and don’t care how hypocritical it makes them look.

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Why do people still buy into the supply side horseshit? Companies don’t add job just because they have piles of cash lying around. They do it when demand for their product/service goes up and they need to hire more people and not a moment before.

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The parliamentarian CAN be ignored and it is theoretically possible, as a money bill.

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What's that phrase our courts like so much when enabling Christofascists? "sincerely held beliefs"?

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The way Chief Justice Asshole fucked with the ACA's medicaid expansion is the reason we ought to be VERY cautious about any sort of "compromise" on voting rights. Manchin proposed a nationwide requirement for voter ID, bundled with a requirement for states to give every citizen free ID by mail. On the surface, that actually sounds like a good idea: the only thing wrong with voter ID is that it is a de-facto poll tax (which is also the only reason Republicans like it). If you remove the poll-tax aspect of IDs, then they wouldn't present an obstical to voting, and people who didn't previously have IDs could get them and use them for other purposes. No down sides, right?

But if Congress did pass such a law, then Justice Rapist and Justice Seat-Stealer could strike down the requirement that states give people free IDs as unconstitutional, while upholding the nationwide requirement for photo IDs to vote. We shouldn't give them that opportunity.

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Why do red states hate Medicare and Medicaid so much? Why do those boomers just loathe it?

The racism.

LBJ was a genius




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Good thing they covered Podesta's pasta recipe and not TrumpRussia in 2016 when it fucking mattered.

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