Bullshit, most boomers, like most people of any group DON'T DO SHIT- only those willing to put their ass on the line and fight the Pigs in the street engendered all the change you now benefit from and may actually lose on Tuesday ... your 'theory' is a joke as the 'Silent Generation' were mainly Veterans and NOT WORRIED ABOUT GETTING DRAFTED ... you may want to listen to White Album for a few days straight LOL

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Yeah the boomers were the worst generation, the one that elected Reagan and are still mostly pushing us towards fascism.

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Omit kale, unsweetened rice milk and substitute vanilla icecream and I think you have something!!

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The question is, if Dems were ahead in all the polls, would Dem voters get complacent and lazy about voting? Does the Repub threat motivate or demoralize voters? I honestly don't know the answer to this. But in 2016 there were people who thought she had it in the bag and left their votes on the table.

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1. Ignore the polls2. Volunteer for GOTV as if Dems are winning

3. Volunteer for GOTV as if Dems are losing4. Vote, baby, vote!

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Also, take an extra shift or two canvassing/phone banking as if we're behind and gotta catch up. Light that fire.

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"See, I'm not racist! I voted for the Black face of white supremacy!"

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There is no real information available to the proletarian worker bee class anymore; only PR and spin, fueled by algorithms, billionaires, press whores, and random zealots.

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Neither figure is accurate. But that won't matter to the loonies.

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There's absolutely no red tide or red wave anywhere in sight. These same people claimed the Polls were all wrong in 2016 but somehow now 6 years later they're all right? BS. The GOP is about to get destroyed, possibly in more ways than one.

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Except in 2016 when that poll showing the shrill pantsuit lady ahead were clearly BIAS!1!!!!!1!

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She wouldn't be that far off, for certain.

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NYT and Twitter going in the same direction. No sell-able consumer eyeballs and no advertisers. Good riddance to both.

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Tnel Podliton is the clear winner.

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The Guardian? Wonkette?

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Dems can swing it. Michigan Democrat’s lead shows abortion may be the issue that decides midterm races https://www.theguardian.com...

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” says Slotkin. “Everywhere I go, Democrats, Independents and Republicans are talking about this issue. They’re talking about how scared they are of a 1931 abortion ban coming back in Michigan. They don’t want it.”

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