Shadowfax is what you get when you let Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong take turns filling your feedbag...

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I think "Error and trial" covers it nicely.

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How do people decide which eye will take them down the road, and which one will put them into the guard rail?

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Maybe its a new "Xtreme" version of those pants?

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It is where I saw a pin for a <a href="http:\/\/pinterest.com\/pin\/4855512068396145\/" target="_blank">gun holster that slipped between your boxspring and mattress. </a>So there's that.

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maybe <strike>he's</strike> SHE'S been shadowbanned.


I made the same mistake.

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guys in khakis drinking too much Mountain Dew

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yes, now put your pants on...

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Who does Reddit think they are, the SPLC?


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I think they all suffer from Assburger's Syndrome...

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you're thinking of Don Doxxen,the guy who started the self-named heavy metal band from the seventies

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it's the dreaded double vision caused by listening to too much shitty seventies rock music

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Don't these fucktards know about 4chan.org/b/? It's where all the internet's crap gets flushed to, and it's where they belong.

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People keep casting aspersions on their asparagus.

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