It would be more like "The Milwaukee Krauts".

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Well done.

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somebody i once knew from southern IL used to talk about 'hanyaks'? something eastern european something (hungarians?).

anyway, you forgot those guys.

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Holy crap! Who'da thunk you could wish for the return of Jack \"Kent\" Cooke and his coke-dealing Columbian wife?

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I bet there's more than one.

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Hard to believe Donald Sterling got in so much trouble over a racial issue.

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Referring to the color of a team mascot is usually respectful, just ask the Detroit Darkies.

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When does the owner double down and start serving draft and mixed firewater?

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Donald Sterling LIBEL!!1!!

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Who can ever forget Jane Fonda and Ted Turner doing the "tomahawk chop"? <i>That</i> is how you exhibit respect for other cultures.

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I used to wear Fightin Whities, but I switched to boxers.

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Slap up your bitch - term of endearment?

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Yeah, no. You can blather a lot about "respect" and etc., but the whole reason the Washington team has that name is because their owner wanted to save a few bucks back in the Depression. They orginally started as the Boston Braves (NFL tradition at the time had football teams take the same name as MLB teams in the city). When the team moved across town to Fenway Park, they changed their name partially to align with the Red Sox but also to save money on uniforms since they could just use their Braves gear. The whole "honoring our part-Sioux coach" bit was a lot of hokum.

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Not to mention Steve Spurrier and Ultimate Leader <a href="http:\/\/espn.go.com\/espn\/page2\/story\?page=easterbrook\/061212" target="_blank">Mike Shanahan</a>.

No sin is greater than The Sin of Losing.

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