He is still alive and nearly 100 years old, he might be alien himself.

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We would have to use supercontainer ships filled with Twinkies, beef jerky and MD for them, I don't think any cruise ship or buffet in the world could handle them. They would start auto cannibalizing.

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Amazing how if you substitute "Negro" for "Muslim" it reads just as smoothly and makes just as much sense. We're all lost in the '50's tonight...

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Overnight there appears to have been a P-Point devaluation of just over 16%. Must have something to do with the relative buying power of the Euro vs. the Dollar vs. the Yen.

Not that I'm keeping track either, of course...

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Albeit Matt Frei what?

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Christianity *never* gets the hint. That's part of its allure.

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sweet jeebus christ on a fuckin crutch, don't piss them off man!

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It's worked before. As it is written in scripture (Star Wars IV), "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

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Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war!

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One addition to the list of constructive actions: "Refuse to patronize any cab driven by a Muslim, or any taxi company you suspect might use Muslim drivers."

Red State readers may then be seen walking to/from their nearest airport.

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Jesus. This is too sad. I have nothing to say, but ask what gives when racial/religious hatred becomes accepted, even endorsed? These people would have been under rocks even in the Bush administration; now they spout this stuff and who on their side says anything?

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Who do I call about using my P-Points to upgrade to First Class?

Edit: Also, who do I call report P-Points fraud? I had 108 about 2 minutes ago. Not that I'm keeping track or anything as bourgeois as that.

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And how about camps for the ones who are already here?

<b> Arbeit Macht Frei!</b>

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I don't like my country very much these days.

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