So given the magnitude of an RNC Chairman accusing the president of encouraging hatred, I am sure Priebus then sited examples of things Obama said that illustrate this point. Surely a journalist of Hannity's caliber would ask for proof of something like this and not just let the leader of the Republican Party say whatever he wants without any evidence...right?

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This is how Republicans do "soul-searching."

Obviously, when you can't find your soul, you blame the nearest black man for stealing it.

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And here I thought that it was Republicans prancing around in KKK costumes that were responsible for the comparison.

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Eeeesh!! It’s like Conservapedia decided to get up and walk around.

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If Reince is accusing me of hatin' on stupid, bigoted, racist, goat-fkg, bible-thumping, science-denying, old, white, pasty-faced GOP assholes, then I plead 'guilty'.

Sue me fkwad.

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they tend to mix a strong batch of kool aid

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because we're sentient?

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Obama didn't even acknowledge the show of cultural awareness that was the cartoon with all the watermelons.

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He'll have to take the "college professor" class of which Bradley Dean speaks so highly.

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Can't go wrong with either choice if you accessorize with pearls. Although wearing white after labor day is considered a fashion faux pas, at least in some circles.

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charlie trotter died?

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I love it when I get a Wonkette sexplination. Makes me all tingly!

Seriously, though, is anybody (not mentally ill) buying this finger pointing diversion? Morally bankrupt, racist, hateful GOOP pants ought to be catching fire with all the reeediculouse.

(The extra O is for belt-onions.)

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self pity- it's always self pity deep down underneath

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Dear Rinsed Penis, kindly go fuck yourself with a rusty pitchfork you arrogant, disingenuous hack

Signed, the REAL real Muricans

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I blame those uppity caterpillars.

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the funny part is, they've actually O.D.'d on the kool aid to the point that they believe their own bullshit

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