So, um, am I the only one here that's heard this?

Lara ... and Brad .... on the campaign trail. Um? There's video of them vibing on a few occasions. You know that whole 'light up' when they see each other, eyes locked and loaded. Tallz people falling at the end of the world. Probably rolling in money and masks at some point.

I can't be the only one that that's heard this. Come on!

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Leave Eric (The Dumb One (TM)) alone...he's just trying to improve his social standing and acceptance.

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What did he think he was talking about? She may have been a Lesbian, but she was a Trump fan thru and thru. What does he think was so odd? Or was he just trying to say Lesbians are mean to Right wingers? But there are surely a million Lesbian Right wingers-- how could it be otherwise? And if he doesn't realize that, why is he a columnist at the Times? Unless-- unless he thinks homosexuality is a choice, and only Democratic young women are attracted to "that lifestyle." Either way it's a column without a subject because his mind is barely there, and because of his being a bedbug.

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I think that's him. Every Trump family member has a second local name in Washington DC.

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Well I think I failed in my prediction that Assmouth would resign before the election (although I’ve still got time). So my NEXT prediction is Eric will realize he’s the most unloved son in history, it’s never going to change, and he will spill ALL the beans to the media. Just wait.

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That would be on brand

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My next prediction is that Junior is checked into rehab. He's looking seriously beat.

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Is it just me, or does Brad Parscale look like Harry from Harry and the Hendersons?

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The Q is for Querelle.


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"...and thank you for protecting our neighborhoods, and thank you for protecting our cities..." Wait, what, are we sure he doesn't think they're talking about LE instead of LGBTQ?

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Trump will absolutely resign in December and commit to a peaceful transition of power to Mike Pence, who will be president only long enough to pardon Trump. Watch.

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That would be the smart move, but I really think he thinks he can just seize power and keep it for the rest of his life. Which, to be fair, Republicans might let him do if he gets away with stealing the election this year.

ETA: Although I suppose if December rolls around and it's not looking good for his coup, he might chose Option B, resign and get a pardon. It won't save him from NY, but it might cut down his jail time.

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Would Daddy disinherit him faster if he joined the U.S. Army or the gay army?

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I also have a very stupid cat, who's become increasingly weird in his old age, and his vet is pretty sure he has a brain tumor. He's always been clueless, but now he's completely flummoxed by regular cat activities.

He's also the sweetest, most cuddly animal you can imagine. He's not sure what doors are, but he launches himself into my lap whenever I sit down. He's patient with my toddler and holds meowing conversations with my six year old.

He's probably on par with the Trump family's brain power, but he's got them beat by a mile in kindness and -- even though he's a cat -- humanity.


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erm, i'm sure some have been seen looking just like that.

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Good thing that if that happens, it doesn't apply to state felonies, which Trump has also committed plenty of.

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