What you mean the most recent poll numbers?

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Then more excess gas will come out of his face hole.

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I say we put Trump in charge of building a fence around ISIS, and I'm sure he will be able to make them pay for it, too, also.

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No! he'll build a wall in the vagina to keep the baby in until the mother is deported.

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I could see your house from my window!

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“ Is God using Donald Trump to wake fuck up the nation?” FIFY, Os.

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But short, vulgar fingers.

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Never. Happen.

They have "Subtle Sadism 403" as required work during residency. As part of the work, they have to sign a pledge that if they ever use a speculum with a temperature of greater than 50° F, they forfeit 50% of that year's income.

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Oh yeah, it's 90% that. Trump, because we need an asshole, and he's just the asshole to be that asshole! Brought to you by Brawndo with electrolytes!

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I've seen this elsewhere and would like it asked and answered, (as if). How will the God Botherers stop wealthy women from getting access to contraception and abortions. How has that 3rd, 4th? trophy wife not gotten knocked up?

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He does have a son with Melania.

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That might just work for Republican women.

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Exactly. Money may be fungible, but program funding? Not so much. Funding sources require accountability. If you as a NFP accept a grant to provide Program A then you will subsequently have to show that you actually used that funding to provide Program A. You can't get away with taking a little bit of A's grant money and use it to cover some expenses for Program B, because that will likely make A's funder really mad and law-suity, not to mention very stingy in the future. You can't shift grant money around like that because it is never really your money at any point in the process.

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Easy. Make it a jailable offense, and make the sentence tiered. 20 years for getting an abortion if you pay for it yourself. But if you pay for an abortion for a woman who can't afford one, BOTH of you get life without parole.

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A lot of it has to do with multiple revenue streams (some private donors, such as the Gates foundation, have restrictions on what their funds can be used for, others do not), and while it may be true that any Title X dollar not spent on abortion theoretically frees up a non-Title X dollar for abortion, that is not reflected in fiscal reality. There is not a one-to-one relationship: non-abortion services still take up the vast majority of the operating budget. Everything else is down to billing and guerrilla accountancy.

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You know how the women like that bling.

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