don't touch my junk food...

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More likely a double-bagger.

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Does Texas have voter-ID laws? Because this gomer losing his license could be a win-win.

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"Untouchable" is the N-word in India.

The "U" is silent. As in "Untouchable."

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I'm waiting for the first male student to claim that it's against his creed to be given a bad grade by a female professor.

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Two Rivers Grocery and Market in Big Sandy, eh?

Well, if I'm ever unfortunate enough to find myself anywhere near the Dallas Ft Worth area, I know where I'm going grocery shopping.

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Not on Fridays.

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Several years ago I was in a local drugstore in a long line. They opened up another cash register and asked if we wanted to move over there.

The geezer behind me saw a Black man was the cashier and told me in a low voice "No. They have diseases."

I totally went off on the guy. I was yelling and the other people in the store were obviously wondering why I was being so mean to an old man. I hate it when a white person automatically assumes I'm a racist because I, too, am white.

Finally I shouted at him "I wish you were young enough for me to kick your ass."

He left.

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David Duke?

Pat Buchanan?

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jokes on you- Romney had no say in that

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First off, hats off to store owner Keith Langston for doing the right thing.

If asshat of the year doesn't like "negroidal" people to handle his food, he needs to move to ... um ... well ... um ... weight watchers. Because our groceries take a long journey before landing in those paper bags.

I'm getting pretty sick of white people And I are one. I may have to grow a beard just to stop looking at that puffy, pasty, white face in the mirror each morning.

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Call me old fashioned, but I don't want a person of any race banging my groceries.


Oh, never mind.

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Dewitt R. Thomas is a total Hemorrhoidal.

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Finally, someone who reads his Bible. Alleluia!

And 'nuf 'bout that "round earth" stuff already, too...or you got yourselves another lawsuit!

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Welcome to Big Sandy, TX. About 40% of the population is below the property line and it's best known for being the campus of the Worldwide Church of God and Ambassador College.

This open racism is pretty common in some East Texas counties. It's sad and I don't condone it and I don't travel this region. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Sandy,_Texas">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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