I have The Pope Smokes Dope!

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If you really want to know what these goons think, note how they equate the constitution with the second amendment. It is like the rest of the document doesnt exist or can be modified to taste but the 2nd amendment alone is sacrosanct.

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Well, I guess the second amendment is a christian value. Dont you remember the part where Jesus told his followers to buy military grade weaponry and kill anyone who offended them. Surely a great American Republican like Jesus wouldnt take no crap from some non-believer.

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'In his tweet thread, Gov. Parson explained that Kauerauf opposed masking requirements, vaccine mandates, and abortion, adding that "Missourians know that I share these beliefs and would not have nominated someone who does not share the same Christian values".'

Unfortunately, the only piece of this dangerous nonsense that the Constitution protects us against is the word "Christian." If it were removed from the text, the text would become perfectly constitutional. Nothing in the Constitution protects us from being governed by dangerous morons who oppose effective public health measures, effective medicine, and reproductive freedom.

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Christians? Please. No person who has voted Republican since 1956 could even remotely be considered a "Christian." Try "christianistic," maybe.

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Even that they read completely wrong. But reading is not fundamentalist.

Unwanted, unloved, uneducated children grow up to become solid Republicans. Hence Betsy Devos' blatant campaigns to ruin education as much as possible.

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Better than the satanic radicals who pander to America's dumbest voters by calling themselves "Christian" and "conservative."

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The Washington Post's lame money columnist/patronizing missionary to the African American suburbs is an example of "grift + ignorance = bingo for me."

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kind of like #668 is only the neighbor of the beast, not Old Scratch himself.

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Thus saith the Lord: Thou shalt not wear a mask or get vaccinated. It is an abomination. --Trump 3:16

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your right to own a gun is link to the militia or crap i screwed up.

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Victim-blaming is a self defense mechanism for the weak-minded. "If I can point out why a person DESERVES the bad things that happen to them, then I can comfortably rest assured that nothing bad will ever happen to ME."

Of course, the second something bad DOES happen to them or theirs, they change their story in a HURRY. "I need these food stamps because I lost my job and shouldn't have to starve for it - Those People just take food stamps because they're too lazy to work and won't stop pumping out babies. No, that's different - we PLANNED to have four kids long before things went wrong."

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I think you mean itinerant.

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The problem with Christianity is that the church fathers apotheosed the good Rabbi Yeshua into a Jesus Christ and then commenced putting words in his mouth.

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When good brothers go bad. Yeah. I can relate.

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"I will not appoint Jesus Christ to a State office because he is a Jew." - Mike Parsons, probably.

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