She also ignored what the actual unemployment rate and deficits were when Bush left office, and tried to make Obama's election and the rise in those two things, as well as gas prices, simple cause and effect.

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<i>God then called me to run for the United States Congress, and I thought ‘What in the world will that be for?’ and my husband said ‘You need to do this,’ and I wasn’t so sure, and we took 3 days and we fasted and we prayed and we said, ‘Lord. Is this what you want? Is this your will?’ and after long about the afternoon of day two, He made that calling sure. And its been now 22 months that I’ve been running for United States Congress. Who in their right mind would spend 2 years to run for a job that lasts 2 years? You’d have to be absolutely a fool to do that. You are now looking at a fool for Christ. This is a fool for Christ.</i> Michele Bachmann, 2006

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It's just the same as A Pimp Named Slickback, you know like A Tribe Called Quest.

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a blogger over at the economist said:

"First, Ms Bachmann is not a serious politician or thinker. That speech could not have defeated a mediocre high-school debater. Second, she's running for president. The notion that this wasn't intended to undercut Mr Ryan's speech is laughable. Apparently the financial crisis was a minor storm compared to the tsunami of Mr Obama's economic policies. And the debt is all the Democrats' fault. Those types of claims are hardly worth debating."

which is all my way of saying no fucking way i'm listening to 6 minutes of michele, one L.

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That li'l gal sure knows her history! Just kidding, she makes it up on the spot.

In the beginning... <i>"Two years ago when Obama took office, the debt was $10T, unemployment was 8%..."</i> and she goes on (at least until 1:12 when I stopped) to explain how bad things got. This is a fun game!

Ten years ago, when George W Bush took office, America was at peace with a budget surplus and solid financial sector. After just two years in office, we were at war in Iraq over imagined WMDs, running huge deficits. The economy was faltering and -- though we didn't know it at the time -- Bush had sown the deregulation seeds of the massive financial collapse in 2008.

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That perpetually surprised look is not working for her.

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Hey Michele? Over here. No, over <i>here</i>. Ah, screw it.

Apparently a fence post or a box of rocks was unavailable.

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I lol'd.

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Picture 4 from the left.

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