Ohhhh ok. So your point is that since, I’m your humble opinion, protesting the Vietnam War had no significant effect on ending it, we should not protest even when a fucking unabashed fascist con man is very publicly destroying the country? Lol. That’s your point? Well then the country is indeed fucked my friend. Thanks to logic like yours.

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Yeah. Doubt that's a coincidence.

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what we are witnessing is a sadist with dementia trying to soothe his eternal insecurities by watching people suffer. The dementia aspect shows in his speech patterns and content. His daughter and wife know it, they do nothing because of the chance to pretend they are part of a royal family. he is unfit and that is the larger problem, that no one will remove him and his boiled frog enablers from power.

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the demented hero of the far right agrees if the government pays him back triple rates and the folks promise not to disturb Melania who is resting comfortably and in high spirits.

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wait until you are 70, maybe you will have retained perfect vigor. I hate it when someone is in in distress, asks for ideas, and is belted for not already knowing what they just asked for.

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I am also old and I have dementia. Trying to "do more" is not the same as when I was young and strong. Knowing you still are connected to your heart and gut feelings is enough. Don't let the rude people make it seem like you need to be doing some thing headline grabbing. Staying a feeling person has value,even though many do not get that. Thanks for all the years you have done your share.

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It's possible that protests could do some good, but goddamn they're the strategy of last resort. All anyone has to do is not look out their window, and the demonstration has no power over them. That's a remarkably ineffective means of change. Tweets and Facebook posts might actually be a more successful model, and that's saying something.

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I mentioned the Vietnam protests because you said, and I quote: "People figured out what to do about the Vietnam war." I am calling bullshit. Those protests accomplished NOTHING, and you are proud of that. Social Justice Furrier is looking for a way to, you know, actually help other people, and you are getting on his or her case for that.

If you're a Russian troll, I get what you're doing. If you're not, you're simply being crappy.

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Hey way to ignore every other thing I mentioned in the comment.

But no. You’re right. Everyone stay home. Diddle your computers. Gripe. Cry. Talk about crying. But don’t leave the house. Don’t get organized. Don’t actually do anything.

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I wish I could disagree, peaceful protest seemed to mean something from my rose-colored history glasses. Now though, it's empty rhetoric, you can scream and kick and punch but there are forces at work that are scarier than any fiery inferno of Dante's, I think Lucifer would be like, "we need to talk."

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Maddow totally lost it tonight, never seen her cry quite like that before. I know she's tender-hearted, but this was just surreal. Sending loving hugs to the Wonkabago. I'll be on the porch crying and smoking another pack of Kools if you need me.

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I can barely stand to read more than the headlines in these stories, but since I’ll read anything and everything the Editrix writes, I now know this is going on not just in far away Texas, but I’m Elizabeth NJ which is a few miles from where I work....so this becomes something closer to home that I might be able to do more than donate money for. But the question is, what???

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Nope,Lubbock.Got stuck in Lubbock 3 times trying to avoid El Paso.Ended up in Amarillo once.

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Fences are not fences. Cages are not cages. More vital info from the regime, whose only planning tool is _1984_.

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Off topic, but I thought this might be of interest to Rebecca: https://www.theguardian.com...

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Ah yes, the myth that the Vietnam War ended because hippies protested. Self-serving and chock full of feel-goodism, but some of us are looking to do better than pat ourselves on the back for making noise.

The dog is convinced that it's his barking that makes the mailman go away every day. That's allt he dog is capable of, with his limited faculties.

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