I am also a mental health consumer. It is exhausting living with mental illness. You have my respect and concern.

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Same. She hasn't done anything to hurt her standings, yet she's dropped in the polls harder than Biden.

Hard to grok, even tougher to see.

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Or when your tie gets caught in the wood chipper while it's running?

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So you’re just gonna keep taking shots at me without actually responding to any of my valid questions in return. Definition of a troll. Cool.

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No, but AFAIK neither Booker nor Buttigieg are running in Canada. Neither of them are my favorites, so I WON'T vote for them in any primaries. I can't vote for Justin, but I don't go onto Canadian blogs and bitch about other candidates, either.

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There is no rule on Wonkette or in US law about non-Americans opining on US politics, provided they are not receiving compensation for electoral assistance or providing material aid. There is in fact a Canadian law about non-residents recommending for or against voting for a candidate. That’s not terribly germane to the conversation but I wanted to point it out.

Anyway, I would be interested to see you describe how anything I’ve said in this comment thread is bitching. If you’re referring to something else I’ve said, you should probably make your criticisms there.

Is the thrust of your argument that since I’m Canadian I’m just not allowed here? Or do you have a personal problem with me for challenging your vitriol? Because there are a lot of Canadians here, some arguably more prominent than I am.

I’ll remind you that our initial confrontation was not about you being an American or even liking Trudeau, it was about you denying that people to whom that issue was more personal and who were more likely to be directly affected by it had any right to disagree with you. This is something I have never done. Our respective nationalities only came into it when you expressed an ignorant view of the Canadian political system and the consequences of dissent.

You have yet to actually argue against any of the points I made there, or anywhere, opting instead to make it more and more personal. I’ll note that the conversation was entirely positive until the pro-blackface crowd found my comment and decided this was a good place to try and take me down a peg. So, feel free to find a merit on which to debate me, or continue throwing any ridiculous aspersion you can think of in hopes that it will stick. Either or, I’m pretty confident in my chances whichever you decide.

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Hell of a rebuttal considering you started it, both here and originally.

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So I’m guessing that’s a no on both counts. Stop trying to pick bullshit fights you can’t win.

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gotta admit that Kamala Harris is one hideous douche wind bag. I love it when she got Gabbard'd - big time - and then the left-wing press came after Gabbard for calling out their darling scuzzi bitch. 2 seconds before Gabbard punked her in that debate she had something like 29% of the black support. But after Gabbard dropped her like a bad habit coupled with Baltimore 2 days later she dropped to 1% and Trump went from 25% to 34% of black support probably picking up Harris' slack. What a week that was!

Let's relive Gabbard smoking Harris like Bob Hayes smoked the competition. Then watch Harris do word salad as she literally began to shake all over including shaking her head in disbelief knowing her candidacy was in the crapper as she knew it was like being thrown an anchor instead of a life saver.

"but but uh, she loves Bashar Assad...er, something."--Harris caught like a deer in the headlights as MSNBC held a presser the moment after the debate with their darling Harris to try and fix her getting a Gatling gun ripping by Gabbard.


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btw, Fauxahauntas is on her way to getting the nomination but I still believe that Hillbag will intercept the front runner - Warren or whomever - and try [maybe not succeed] to force the MSM into cutting the legs out from under the front runner with, "He/She can't beat Trump but Hillbag can so let's support Hillbag one last time" nonsense. Trust me. Their main reasoning will be because - well let's pick Warren for a minute - Fauxahauntas will win the primary because she is in line with the radical left but to win the General Election she MUST now move to the center and she'll look like a foole while Hillbag is already at the center-left argument. MSM => Let's support Hillbag to beat Trump. Everybody down with that?

"Okay. I'll do anything you demand of me."--The Left.

"YIPPEEEE!!!"-- The Right.

"I'm going to kick your fucking ass wolfen you asshole."--The warm and lovely oh-so tolerant and sweet Hillbag.

"Yes dear. Yes dear. Anyways, dumpling, love of my life, what do think about Fauxahauntas being elected the first female...[**CLANG** from a cast iron skillet up side the noggin.]"--Wolfen244 dropping to the floor with a fatal wound to his personality.

"I'M GOING BE THE FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT!! Oh wolfen, sorry I got a little excited. My bad."--The caring and composed - and sober - Hillbag.

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Oh look, you misrepresent what I was saying about blackface, then argue against your own misrepresentation. How Trump of you.

No I didn't watch any event on LGBTQ rights. But I know a forum on women's rights wouldn't leave you wanting two men to represent women's issues, no matter how strong their stand.

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...Seriously? Five days later and this is what you come back with? Not only is that not a direct equivalency it’s not even true. You’re calling me Trumpian while arguing that no matter who the individuals in question are, voting for a woman is always more feminist than voting for a man. What if it was someone like Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Kellyanne Conway versus a male feminist like Barack Obama or Nelson Mandela?

Each of your arguments displays less understanding of civil rights and advocacy than the last.

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Remember when Kamala put weed smokers in prison and then giggled when asked whether she smokes weed?

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