Well, thanks to the tax deal, <a href="http:\/\/www.msnbc.msn.com\/id\/40628514\/ns\/politics\/" target="_blank">someone</a> likes Barry again. <a href="http:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/wp-dyn\/content\/article\/2010\/12\/08\/AR2010120806200.html" target="_blank">Also.</a>

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I was thinking along the lines that Broder's and other's obsession with an arbitrary political spectrum is lazy policy analysis.

Obama's never been an ideologue. Obama is a pragmatist, and that doesn't fit inside Broder's idea of a rigid left-right spectrum (with different relative positions having clear-cuts beliefs). Right or wrong, he's going to do what he thinks will work the best and still has the best chance of getting passed.

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And that's why Obama is morally weak.

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The Democrats' "Let's Put This Off Until the Lameduck Session" strategy, like all Democrats' strategies, seems to have failed.

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What happens when you disagree with and despise both? Are you a supporter of Al Qaeda?

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If the Repubicans number one priority is preserving the amazingly successful Bush tax cuts, Obama could have extracted a steeper price from them. Howzabout DADT repeal. Or freeze military pay. Maybe extend health insurance reform to include public option. Cap-and-trade anyone?

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1. I just applied a dry rub to a pork butt that will be smoked tomorrow. It's both tasty and Muslim-repellent! Allahu akbar!

2. Also apropos of porking, butts, and Republicans' "Log Cabin," I learned something very interesting last night: Representative Barney Frank's dad's cousin was the wife of Shemp Howard, noted stooge and Vaudevillian. Barney's dry wit makes a lot more sense now.

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Boy, will the joke be on us when we all learn in a future episode at that <a href="http:\/\/cdn.adamp.com\/files\/2008\/01\/mccainortigh.png" target="_blank">John McCain</a>, the biggest Cylon hater of them all, actually is a Cylon.

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Please tell me that's not true. Ah, who the fuck am I kidding, why wouldn't it be true?

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<i>We learned that compromise in the Senate means giving into every Republican demand, ever, and that disagreeing just makes you a partisan hack.</i>

Isn't this in the Constitution?

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