Mumbly Joe, you is so sweet!

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Cantor was saying this morning that the GOP isn't going to compromise on extending the Bush tax cuts for top earners.

<i>"I am not for raising taxes in a recession, especially when it comes to job-creators we need so desperately to create jobs again."</i>

In Republicanland, top earners are a magic economic growth machine that you can insert tax cuts into and jobs are spit out like Snickers bars and cans of Mountain Dew.

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I don't think Stewart and Colbert were necessarily arguing for compromising principles, just ratcheting down the rhetoric and ad hominems.

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He made the usual supply-side argument about the cure for any and all economic problems was more capital for investment, as if (a) there was any kind of shortage of capital right now, or (b) there would be any demand for new products if they did happen to use the money to invest in new businesses or business expansion.

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i wonder how the vast right wing idiocracy will respond to michelle dancing in asia.

wait, no, i don't.

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That's a fair point, but a few years ago the roles were reversed.

There were people on the left who spent 8 years comparing Bush to Hitler. Olbermann had a special comment where he seriously argued that Bush was a fascist. There was an entire movement devoted to trying to show he was behind 9/11. The people on the left that went to these lengths weren't as numerous or mainstream as the people on the right lying about Obama and calling him a socialist (as Maher points out), but that doesn't make it ok.

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Meet The New Freshman Class of Extremist Senators: <a href="http://www.pfaw.org/FightBack" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.pfaw.org/FightBack">http://www.pfaw.org/FightBa...

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I am going to a guy fawkes party with scooter lady effigy in tow ('real american voter 2010' / 'america the beautiful'). I would like to thank the wonkette for that insightful photo and all the wonketeers for the wit.


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<i>Boner. Boner.</i>

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Breitbart hopefully soon gets savagely crushed by Shirley Sherrod's lawyers.

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I think those assessments are a little overly-optimistic about how permanent Obama's reforms might be, but the reality is that Republicans are going to go at least six, maybe 10 years (2007-2013 or 2017, going from the time Democrats took Congress to the end of Obama's presidency) without doing any legislative damage to the country, so the real victors are the American people.

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One at a time, or as a group?

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<i>"the great teabagging of America, which will<b> forever be remembered </b>in the annals of history </i> Why do I think teabagging is going to be the political version of New Wave music rather than the political version of rock and roll?

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All this talk of tea-bagging just makes me want to put my balls in Meghan McCain's mouth.

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damn. palin got trashed by peggy and george in the same week.

has she twatted out a defense yet?

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I nominate Bachman Turner Overdrive. They were oafish <i>and</i> teabaggy.

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